Everything posted by Zrush
maybe bitter?
The pawn shop wouldn't even buy her ring. She probably scared the hell out of the pawn shop owner. What a psycho hose beast. I'm waiting to see if her ex will start selling her crap on e-bay. This could be one of those new "reality" shows. Bitter woman is an understatement. I agree 44014, it is a little disturbing. Vicky
maybe bitter?
That ranting woman claims the car is 60% finished!?!? What a crock. After reading her add, her husband is lucky to be rid of her. I agree that it's a ploy to sell her garbage thats collecting in front of her house. Some schmo will buy it I'm sure. Vicky
Nice. What are the black things behind the front wheels? Or is it just a reflection. I've seen the hood vents mounted lower, behind the front wheels, kinda like the 70's Corvette look. Anyways, very nice Z, love the color.
How much did you pay for your Z?
The Red 77 280Z was purchased for $7,500.00 back in 1998. The car was in excellent shape. It was just previously restored! We won't even discuss how much we've invested into the car to bring it to it's current state. :tapemouth The Yellow 72 240Z is a Factory Restored Z so you all know how much that one cost. It was purchased in 2000. Vicky
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
Remember the first 350Z off the line went for over $90,000 via an auction for charity. Nice thing to do if you've got the scratch. $500,000 for a Ford............a new Ford! No way. The only Ford product I would pay out the azz for would be the 1969 Boss 429 or the GT500 like in the movie "Gone in 60 Seconds". For $500,000 I could have a base model Lambo Vicky
Dash guages, clock , lights etc
I believe the AutoMeter guages match right up. I've seen them in a few early Z's, look fantastic. Get a Summit magazine and you'll be in heaven ( you're limited as far as you can go with an old import). I would not get to ricey with the dash but that's just my opinion. Love the legendary look of the old Z car dash, quite timeless. Good luck Vicky
Rare custom SU intake
The seller of that God awful contraption claims brass is not a metal. Looks like some type of marine application for a boat :sick: Custom is not always better and this is your proof! Vicky
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
I think the 350Z is to the 240Z as the new T-Bird is to it's original counterpart. Except the new T-Bird was a flop. The good thing that the 350Z has done is renewed an interest in the original Z cars. When you talk with non Z owners and they bring up the new 350Z, the conversation quickly changes to the first generation Z cars............and that's a good thing:classic: Vicky
#160 matching numbers 69 240zed for sale brisbane
I thought the first 15 Z cars produced where "production mules" for testing and what not. A guy in our Z car club has VIN# 16 which is supposedly the first Z sold to the public in the US. I've seen his car and the VIN plate. Vicky
Headers / Extractors
I personally like the Jet-Hot coated headers. We purchased them from MSA. I would think that any kind of header wrap would retain moisture, been told to stay away from that route. Can't remember the price on the Jet Hots from MSA. Good luck with what ever you choose. Vicky
Car Is Finally Painted!!
Beautiful Z! I think your sunshield should just say "MOVE-IT" (But you really wouldn't ruin your Z by putting a sunshield on it, right?) Very well done. Vicky
Check this one out!
His business name "Lackey Performance Engines" suits his "Lackey" merchandiseLOL Some people:stupid: Vicky
*NEW MSA's new air dam... type 3... take a peek
Kinda looks like a snow-plow type air dam. Don't put this on your car if you want to lower it, you'll be scraping the payment. A little too extreme IMO Vicky
I found a new home.
We have premium (93 octane) at any gas station. Gas has not hit $2.00 a gallon here.........yet. You can get higher octane or racing fuels in just about every city here in Florida. Nice tropical paradise and it never snows. We have some nice flat, curvy roads for that 100+ ride. Car shows every weekend and cruise nites every night of the week somewhere local. Down side... all the blue hairs in their Crown Vics, but you can just blow by them in your Z. Oh yeah, "welcome" to all the new memberz!! Vicky
240z/260z TV ads
datto_240z Too bad you're not in the states. I know how bad you want a Z. I have a 1978 that needs work. I'd give the Z to you if you were around here. Fix up the Triumph and sell it for a Z. Vicky
Social Poll...
My father was in the Air Force. I was born in Lubbock Texas, moved to Japan, lived there for 3 or 4 years. Then we moved to Fayetteville NC. My father retired early and we moved to St Pete Beach Fla. Met my husband and now I live in New Port Richey Fla which is just about 20 miles north of St Pete Beach. Vicky:D
1977 Datsun 280Z
That is way cool daddz. The original invoice! Traded in a 70 Dodge Charger, wonder if it had a "hemi"LOL . Vicky
CONVENTION JUNE 14 to 19 2004
Man O'man, you Cali guys are lucky this year. Two major Z events like MSA and the ZCCA Convention in one state. What more can a Z lover ask for. Wish I lived in California. I'm going to MSA again next year and I don't care if gas is $3.00 a gallon. We need our club T-Shirts by then so we can all recognize each other. Vicky
1973 Ebay Car
ScoHo Man that's a awzome blue Z. The fact that Mr. K has signed the car can increase the value. A classic car insurance carrier like Hagertys will recognize the value of your signed Z. Love those rims too Beautiful!!! Vicky
new engine
I'm waiting for the day when someone out there puts the 350Z engine in a first gen Z. Some people always believe bigger is better and always means more hp, but that's not always true. Open up the straight 6 in your Z and you'll appreciate what power can be produced from that inline. Just my opinion AND experience.
- Oh My...
Royal Purple Synthetic Oil
That's my husbands scenerio exactly in his 280Z. Castrol used to run the adds with the "high reving" engines needing their brand to avoid viscosity(?) breakdown. Oil is the life blood of any car so I agree that you shouldn't skimp on the oil. Back in the olden days you didn't have much of a choice. But with the advanced technology in engines, it seems that oils would have to evolve with the newer type engines of today, no? Todays oils surely must be better for our Z's than what was offered back in the 70's. Vicky
rear of my car with 2.25" exsaust
Forget the exhaust issue for a moment. That sure is a nice, straight Z, at least from that angle. Beautiful
whining noise
To loose or to tight........worn out? Maybe an adjustment of some sort? Vicky
whining noise
Speaking of Fan Clutches. I think that's what's making the noise on the 240Z. I don't have a whine sound, it's more like a bird churping. Quite embarassing I must say. The more revs the faster the churping. The engine doesn't even have 3500 miles on it yet. If not the fan clutch, what else would make this "bird" noise? Vicky