Everything posted by Zrush
Car Collection Terminology and Standards
Where can I find this info you guys are talking about on this "Original 240Z" with an L28?:stupid:
Car Collection Terminology and Standards
We have taken the FR 1972 240Z to a few AACA shows around Florida and have won in our class. However, some of these shows can be quite snobby which is really not my style. These shows have the cream of the crop when it comes to fine automobiles. Here in Florida the AACA in my area really appreciates the Z car since they agree that most have been sacrificed to the rust god.
Do Headlight Covers get Fogged Up?
Yes I get condesation under the covers, but it does dry up and hasn't affected my covers (yet). The real pain is when it rains and you get water under there and you have to remove them to wipe off the headlight buckets. I try and not get caught in the rain but sometimes it does happen.
Like I said previously, one of the two cars used in that movie was at a local show here. The car is actually gutted because John Candy was such a big man. It's also not in the best shape but the guy thinks that because it was in a movie he can get bucu bucks for it. He was asking $60,000! I laughed and walked away.
I too thought that looked like a Z-Ferrari conversion. The give-a-way IS the window. They really don't give you enough time to check out the car. Doesn't it also show Tom Cruise driving a killer 'stang too? Freaky deaky movie
I agree with kyteler that the Z'X" stands for luXury. But to me, it stands for "X"-tra crap that you really don't need in a true sports car! Just something else (electrical) to break down and give you a major headache.:mad:
floor board rust
Yes and just about every other car made in the 70's. You know how many lighters I lost through the hole in my Mustangs floor boards.
Machine Shop Question
An excellent shop in Clearwater Florida is Dwan's Automotive Machine, Inc., 727-573-0944. They know Zcars and can do it all. CK-10 Honing, Align Honing, Balancing, Head Service, Crankshaft Grinding and Dyno Service. Ask for Dwan Brock. "We Know High Performance & Economy". That is their motto. I was very pleased with the service and the turn-a-round time.
[What kind of car did John Candy drive in SoapDish?] I know John Candy drove a 280Z converted to a Ferrari in "Delirious". Matter of fact, the guy that owns one of the two that were made for the movie lives a few cities up from me. Saw the car at a show last year and he wanted $60,000 for the car! [More often than not, what was the worst enemy of your 240Z?] The posted speed limit of 55mph!
[What the factory measured coeficient of aeordynamic drag for an S30 is?] What is the answer to that question?
- clock
Replacement rubbers
Kind of a personal question, don't ya think.
Seat list for Z's ?
I kept the original seats in my 77 280Z but had them re-stuffed and covered. They are so comfortably now and I don't slide all over the place. I like the look of the Z seat and wanted to keep the style but have a little more padding around my azz.
1973 240Z Rusty but excellent mechanical
These people probably have no interest in the car. They just want your valid international money order. This is the old "Pigeon Drop" scam. Beware
Isn't it called "The International Space Station"?
A car I grew up watching come to life.
That is truly a beautiful GTO. Man-o-man would I love to own something like that. That's the type car you see at the World of Wheels shows. Even for all the "show and glow" that car has, I think the price is a bit high.
1977 280z Mpg
If anyone out there has an owners manual for a 1977 280Z, can you look up what the gas milage should be. I'm getting a little less than 10 mpg, but my car is not stock. Thanks:classic:
rotary engine
Hit by lightning and burned............now that's funny, as long as no one was hurt. Special order Z car with a rotary engine, NOT. I've always heard that the rotary engine was kinda crappy. That's my .01 worth
$640,000 for a Corvette?!?!
Just flipping through an auto magazine and I see where a 1967 L-88 vette sold at last years Mecum auction for $640,000. For a Corvette! Of course, this included the buyer's premium paid to the auction company. Am I missing something here.
Z Security
From the looks of that vehicle, I'd rather have the lock & chain, rather than the whole dam car.
Location Poll
We need a Southeast in that poll. I live in New Port Richey Florida. By marking the Eastcoast, I feel like I live where it snows.....and I don't want to live where it snows.:mad:
what about the new z's?
The introduction of our marvelous Z car was the demise of many cars in the 70's. Believe it or not the Z nearly put Triumph out of business. Jag sales declined. The Opel never really took off. This is all based on price, performance and reliability. As stated by many professional auto enthusiasts the Z car (240Z) is one of the 10 most important cars in automotive history. As we all know the Z-Car blew many auto manufacturers away. There's not one car show that I go to that someone doesn't come up to me and say that the Z car was all the rage in the 70's. But we all knew that :classic:
Ticking noise
My first Z was a 1978 280Z. When I brought it home the first thing my mother said was that it sounded like a sewing machine!!! I guess she had the right to say that because she drove a 1975 Caddy with a 502. Kinda really made me mad, as I was so proud of my cherry Z. Come to find out it was an gasket leak on the manifold. Tightening the bolts cured the ticking. Had the same problem with my 1973 Mach I, but that was noisy lifters. Even after the ticking fix, mother still said my Z sounded like a sewing machine. Parents can be so cruelLOL
bought this car last night...
Hey datsunfreak, that's a pretty neat shot of your new purchase there. The car looks very clean, even in a nite shot. Keep us all posted as to your future project. Again, very nice Z
Monster Garage
That's interesting about Jesse James. Must be nice to get arrested for money laundering (if true) and STILL get to drive around in a Lambo.