Everything posted by Zrush
I am now Z less
Lo-Jack is a tracking system that is placed in your car. When the vehicle is stolen the local police (If they are equiped) can track the movement of the car.
I am now Z less
Yes Victor, I've seen that car that optimaxtech is referencing. You CAN paint it yellow. Very nice car with a great price. But maybe we're speaking to soon. The car might very well be returned to you. Lo-Jack should be on all our pride and joys, as this could happen to any of us.
Lead footed B's.
Katherine Ross was in the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid with Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Marion Ross was in Happy Days. I ThinkLOL
Lead footed B's.
Sean, I didn't quote from any site, I think you mean Mike W. I agree, you could never mistake "Jaws" for a Japanese. In "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry", I thought it was an yellow Charger. I could be wrong as it's been years since I've seen that movie.
I am now Z less
Vic If (God forbid) your Z is not returned, get another one. You live in the Z world, so I'm sure many would be happy to assist in finding you a Z. I know if I had an extra Z, I would gladly give it to you, that's how bad I feel.
Lead footed B's.
Cannonball Run with Burt Reynolds is a classic. I love the parts played by Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr as drunk priests in a Ferrari. Too funny
Lead footed B's.
The movie with David Carridine is called "Cannonball". They've been running it on HBO forever. I think it sucks.
I am now Z less
M*&%$# F#@%*(@ ers. That is awful. I know LA is a big city, but maybe if you cruise around the area where it was taken from you just might find it. Some a-holes are brazen enough to drive around in public after taking such a beautiful car. To bad we can't put some kind of "Amber Alert" out for it. Bring a loaded gun with you on your search. I know I would be tempted to shoot those bastards. I hope you find your beloved Z:( Death to all who steal another man's Z:devious:
240 Z after paint
Chrysler ME-412 Concept Car
Yes, I have also seen a picture of the new Mustang and it does have very retro front end.
What's it worth?????????
Actually this car is in the next city down from where I live. There is a event at Z Fever tomorrow in Tampa Florida. If the guy brings the car over I'll check it out and report back.
Lead footed B's.
Driving is a Privilege, not a Right. You don't even need to be speeding or even on the road to cause mayhem. Here in Florida you read in the paper every day where some old duck has mistakenly hit the gas instead of the brake and gone right through a business store front. Such a shame IMO. This is when you really need to give up your license and ride the bus.
Do you know?
I kinda though VW at first, but wasn't sure. Now that you remind me, it does flow better...Volkswagon Scirocco. Thanks for clearing up my error.
NASCAR is about as much fun to watch as Tennis. Unfortunatley the only exciting part of NASCAR is the wrecks. I know that's terrible thing to say, but it's true. Roundy Round racing is a big bore IMO.
Do you know?
Don't forget about the Scirocco. I think that car was made by Honda. Could have come off one of those cars, as I remember just about all of them had louvers. Just my guess.
1971 Original 240Z For Sale
That's a very beautiful car. I agree, what person wouldn't be impressed if you pulled up in that Z for a sales call. I would be more apt to buy from someone driving that nice Z that a guy in an over priced caddy or something. Here's the trick........get the prospective customer outside to see your nice car, talk about the Z for awhile, then start your sales pitch on what ever your selling, and boom.......the deal is closed! Very nice car. I hope whoever buys it takes as good care of it as you have.
We made the cover!!
v12horse I have always heard that the Z was the poor mans corvette. At least thats what all my old school Chevy friends say. I've forgotten about the opel, but I can see where that phrase would fit with that car. Don't see to many of those around anymore.
My first ever drive in my Z
Sorry, I thought someone was referencing that "other Z car" meaning the Chevy Camaro Z28.
My first ever drive in my Z
Camaro Z28.
Any ZX Fans
Thanks Optimaxtech. 4 years of blood, sweat, tears and money are in that car. Next time I'd buy one thats already done. I say that, but then I probably would tear it apart and do it my way and be back in the poor house again.
Any ZX Fans
I agree, I would like a ZX for a daily driver. Early ZX that is. We won't even open a discussion on the 300ZX.
Any ZX Fans
I've always thought of the ZX as fat and bloated. They put luxury in those cars, what with power this and power that. To me that was the death of the true Z car. I don't want no power crap in my sports car unless it's under the hood.
Any ZX Fans
Boy that ZX is nice. But the interior is way to much red (I know I have a red car). I like the black and gold anniversary editions much better. The price seems very fair and reasonable. If I had more garage space and more cash I might be tempted. You can never have to many nice Z cars.
We made the cover!!
Most import (Japanese) cars of the early 70's were "shoe boxes". The Z design blew the market away with its stylish body lines. I remember it was called the poor mans Corvette.