Everything posted by Zrush
both seats with lever on the right?
Wouldn't the seat slider lever also be in the wrong position on richyboycaldos drivers seat if it truly is a passenger seat? Vicky
both seats with lever on the right?
All my Z's have the seat recline lever on the side nearest the door. The passenger seat lever is on the right of the seat, the drivers seat lever is on the left of the seat. This is not correct? Vicky
240Z in Sunset Orange (350Z Colour)
I like the color! The rims are a little tall IMO, makes the tires look like rubberbands. But the side by side comparison shot just shows how much better looking the 240Z is over the frumpy 350Z. Vicky
Poor item description
lordbiotree Click Gavins link in his post and then scroll down to the bottom of the linked page. My question is, wouldn't the air cleaner hit the hood? Vicky
1973 240z $$ question
The "good" out weighs the "not so good" in your comment. Hard to tell without pictures, but $1300 doesn't seem too, too bad. Explain to the seller about the interior issues, offer him a grand, he just might bite. Good luck Vicky
vh45det powered 240z
Thank you Stephen!!! Why can't people just see the potential of the inline 6 that came with the car. The only V-8 Z I want is a factory built Scarab, the most successful "Hybrid" vehicle produced. However, I will admit that engine is unigue to the common transplant. Vicky
What's a Steering Cooler?
Tomohawk Didn't you buy your Z here in Tampa at Z-Fever or something? Yes, now I understand about the power steering "upgrade". Do you have A/C, that's what you need down here
What's a Steering Cooler?
Uhhhh........ the "280Z" did not have power steering, as mdbrandy said the "280ZX" was the first model with factory power steering.
would you look at this.
Yeah Bill, that's Eric's site. Most of us in the Z community know him. Nice guy, great photographer. Vicky
Twister's Galore
Yes, as I said earlier Chris, glad you're OK. Do you have some type of bunker that you can get into in the event a tornado is heading your way? Us lucky Floridians have hurricane season starting on June 1st. I've lived in Florida since 1971 and have been through quite a few but no direct hits, thank God. When I lived on the beach, we watched our neighbors boat sink and the water level came right up to the sliding glass doors. I guess we all have some type of weather season we have to deal with. Be careful and protect your family, yourself and your Z. The 3 most important things in our lives :classic: Vicky
check this out, 400+ hp...
Looks like a fairly nice car...........until you see the engine bay and interior! As a car dealer, I would be embarassed to advertise that car, for that much money and show such awful pictures of the interior and engine. :tapemouth Vicky
check this out, 400+ hp...
Yeah, I would love to see under the hood. You would think that anyone that's selling a car and bragging about hp would at least give us a shot of the engine. Maybe it has NOS, which in my opinion is FAKE hp. Still it's a beautiful car but you've got to justify that type of price IMO. Vicky
280z with 350z headlights...
ROFL Vicky
#390 For Sale! Please Save From the Shredder!!
I say put a bullet through the block and put the poor thing out of it's misery. So sense in letting it suffer like that. Vicky
check this out, 400+ hp...
Since when is a Z called a "2 Door Sedan" Vicky
Whats Draining My Battery?
Thanks for all the info guys. Scott is going to try Enriques method this week and see what the cause is. There is no immobilizer on the car so that's not it. Again thanks for all the input. Vicky
240z for sale: scarab small block chev.
Hey wooduck Is this a true Scarab with the build sheet form Scarab Performance or is this a Z that someone just ordered a simular kit and put it on themselves. I see no Scarab badges on the car. When you open the drivers side door just below the Nissan plate there should by a plate that says "Scarab Automotive" with the MFG. Date and the VEH I.D. Does this vehicle have any documentation? Thanks Vicky
Whats Draining My Battery?
That sounds like alot easier install than undoing the darn radio. Thanks 2-4-T-Z-MAN :classic: Vicky
Whats Draining My Battery?
Thanks gema I think we'll try and un-hook the radio to see if that's the cause. It really is useless in that car because you can't even hold a conversation, let alone listen to some tunes, the engine is so loud:cry: Vicky
$125.00 240Z for us
Welcome to the site. You will find a plethara of information from these guys. Ask and you will receive. Can you post some pictures. We all love to see before, progress and completed shots. Again welcome!! :classic: Vicky
PPI - buying my very 1st 240z
One of my old cars looked that beautiful with a $199.00 Maco paint job and a month later the paint was trashed. The interior of the car has been highly neglected which leads me to believe that there's more than meets the eye on that Z. Interior is a good jumping off point to see how well someone has taken care of their car. And I just don't mean vaccuming and armoraling the dash. Some people think if you throw on a paint job and a nice set of wheels that's all it takes and the average Joe won't know that it's really rusting away. JMO Vicky
Whats Draining My Battery?
Here's some background. The battery is the Optima Red Top Performance sealed with 925 cold cranking amps. Alternator is charging fine. When the car sits for a while, like say a month, I go to start it and it's dead. Is is possible the radio is draining the battery? The radio has a program memory so it can remember your stations. There's an itys, bitsy red light on the radio that remains on after you turn the car off. Once the battery is charged and you run the car around, it fires up for days, but let it sit for any length of time (more than two weeks) and nothing. Can something thats so minute be killing my battery or could there be another cause? I can let my 72 240 sit for months and go out there and she starts like a charm with the factory Nissan battery. Vicky
240z v8
Absolutely awZome! I love the body and the color is blinding. Heading to the drags........I hope whoever is driving it can keep it in a straight line. What a shame if that were to ever hit the wall. Vicky
If Anyone is interested
I just re-read the entire sales pitch again also. Ummmm. That's the way I understood the add on fees too. This is the same company that sold to the Forbes Family?!?! What gives. Vicky
If Anyone is interested
Well "Bob" from the Enzyte ads will be livin' "large" in his clone Ferrari Vicky