Everything posted by Zrush
New and improved! Bimonthly poll of the month
Actually John other Z's fall into that catagory more so then the Scarab. The Ferrari Z's and Tomohawk Cobra Z's for example. Will your Alpha One GTO body, that's a Ferrari-ish Z? Is it like the Scorpion body Kits? Vicky
New and improved! Bimonthly poll of the month
Oh yeah! Thanks for thinking of the Scarab Will. Vicky
'Big Sam' at Goodwood
What a great shot Alan! I would pay to have that picture framed and hung on my wall of Z Fame. What a fantastic automobile. Vicky
Hi Dave My VZ does not have the grab handle on the drivers door, only on the passenger door. Scott calls it the "Oh Sh*t" handle :laugh: I always thought it was a "brace" handle for the passengers for when you're cornering and such. The driver has the steering wheel and the small pedal on the lower left side for your foot for cornering, so naturally that's what I assumed the handle was for anyway rather then for closing the door. Vicky
What do you think of this Z?
What is a "ATK" block? Vicky
Was this a z??
This is the product of an body shop that lacks the proper ventilation. Sniffing to much clear coat and paint fumes will result in this type of modification whereas the car looks as if it has already been wrecked! :sick: Vicky
Britsh Tourist Kills locals and a Zed.
Hope the owner is not a member here Vicky
Big Sam at Goodwood.
I had mentioned that Victor but I was shot down for suggesting it, replicating a car that's still around. I guess some people don't understand that it's done all the time. It's called a "Clone".
Will, I said (typed) "Jackie Chan" for the Mitsubishi Cannonball Run answer. Who's Chong Wang???? I know Wang Chung I know that Rocky drove a Black Trans Am in one of the many sequals. "Yo Adrian, wes da keys to da caaaa". Vicky
Geez, Will I forgot all about those questions and now I've thrown out the car magazine that had the answers. I believe it was the AMC Pacer that had the longer passenger side door. As far as the no warrranty muscle car, I'm thinking it was a Mopar product. The model I'll have to dig up. I recall that Jackie Chan was in the first Cannonball run, was he in the second too? Vicky
Scarab Interior
Gav, when the four barrels kick in it is bye, bye time for anything around you. The car drives very well. Scott's Zrush is 10 times more radical than the Scarab. Scarabs were engineered to be very driver friendly but when they are called upon to perform the kick is there.
'Big Sam' at Goodwood
Thanks for those Big Sam pics Alan. That is my favortie Z racecar of all time. I realize it's just a car but all the reading I have ever done on Sam makes it seem as if he is "alive". Yes, congrads to NickH. Thanks again Alan :classic: Vicky
Scarab Interior
On the dash
Emblem ideas?
How about some of those real cool stickers that look like bullet holes? All the PT Cruisers in Florida are wearing them this time of year. Tee Hee !! :
Wrong Mechanical Gauges?
Yes, thanks Chris! Perfect fit. Vicky
Wrong Mechanical Gauges?
I've seen the Auto-Meter gauges in the Z dash but I don't think they sit back into the panel like the stock gauges. They sit up close on the lip of the opening. Summit should take those back with no problem as long as the package hasn't been opened. Maybe someone with those installed could post us a picture Vicky
Early '77 raised rear deck
Wheel covers yes but I thought the hood vents were the same on the 77 and 78. 77 was the first year the vents were introduced, no? 77 was also the first year for the 5-speed too. Vicky
Left side shot
Swapping VINs on Dash
Alot of trophy shops can replicate VIN, door and engine bay plates. We had all the plates remanufactured for the 77..............in Red and silver! Some good shops can exactly match the original stamping also. Call around in your area. FWIW Vicky
Welcome to the site from another female lover of Z cars. The guys here are the best and most friendly bunch of Z nutz on the planet. :classic: Vicky
I knew I was stupid but...
This in no way helps to install your radio, but Happy Birthday today! :laugh: Vicky
- Right side shot
- Left side shot
The Scarab was the name chosen by Brian Morrow, the builder of Scarab Automobiles. "Datsun Reborn" was the motto, hence choosing the Scarab meant rebirth and resurrection. The emblem is made of nickel with gold overleaf (sp?).