280Z vs. turbo grand prix. me and my friend dane have been racing against each other for awhile now. he's beat me every time in my previous car wich was a 1997 grand prix gt (3.8). dane drives a 89 turbo grand prix. the boost in the car is outa control. we both pull up to a stop sign at the same time. dane doesn't reconize me at first because of new car. so we talk for a few. no traffic at all. then we decide to see if the 280 is any faster than my old car. he starts buliding up psi. we both start revving our engines i start it we both burn out. but the boost on the grand prix makes it takes off. he gets about 2 car lengths on me. i catch him when i shift into 3rd were about neak and neak for a few seconds until i get into fourth i get about a half a car length and thats enought to win any race were both stopped buy a yellow light. the second round i get hammered by him but its all good cuz i gotta win. thanx to datsun and one bad arse engine. these cars are beasts. my 1/4 mile time was proably around 14. (by the way is was more than a 1/4 mile race, that explains why i got all the way into 4th)