i have a 240z and this is my first carbed car. i and working on the engine and want to know if anyone can tell me how i can tune and adjust my carbs so when it is time to start up the Z the carbs are some what tuned. i have the duel su's.
i want to go to a machine shop a get my head polished and maybe ported so the inside is smooth for the intake and exhast and i would also like to maybe shave the bottom of the head for a slightly higher compression. what i am confused about is what exactally should i do to the head and how much to machine it for the most optimun performance and horse power. If anyone has any suggestions i would greatly appreciate it.
I have a 73 240z and have a head kit done with cams, seals, springs, etc., headers, exhast, but I am not sure were to go with carbs. I am looking at a four barrelled conversion or the performance SU's. what is the better choice for my engine???i also have a five speed tranny if that makes a difference.