I am interested in starting a z car club for the central Va. area. Charlottesville and surrounding counties. If any one in this area is interested in joing please email me your contact information. If I get enough interest we will start it up. Thanks. Email me at silver71z@yahoo.com
I have a 71z and I am trying to decide if its to far gones as far as rust is concerned to put money into it. I've heard so many things, so how much rust would render my car not worth investing money into it. I am getting ready to take it to a local body shop 'cause I dont have a budy around that can help me. I only want to spend about $1000 on the body if I can. Thanks
I have a 71 240z, that cuts off on me whenever I drive just a few yards. It idles fine. I checked the output of the fuel pump and it just sputters at best. I am new to zcars, so is this a problem with the pump or the lines and how do I tell. Should I stick with the mechanical pump or an electronic pump as some people have recommended. I am going to buy it soon so a quick response would be great. Thanks in advance.