R160 swap
That's a rather astute inference there TexasZ. I hope your bud can help us out.
R160 swap
Does anyone out there know anything about what is involved in swaping an r180 stock diff for a r160 lsd? (from a Subaru) Will the stub shafts on the r160 work with the parts on my r180. Could this diff stand up to a mild e88 240 with an abusive driver? :devious: From what I have heard, which is very little, this is not really an upgrade in terms of durability. However I really do need an lsd diff. Not because of huge power, but because of roll stiffness brought on by the addition of larger anti-sway bars front and rear.
Ignition Troubles
There are no points in the dist. I have a preteronix electronic ignition module. Is it possible that there could be a mechanical failure in the 32 year old distributer that would prevent it from advancing the timing enough through the rev cycle? (idle to redline)
What are you paying for gas?
On the way to work this morn I passed a filling station that was selling it's 87 octane for $1.85. Being a typical yank, I would never buy a car based on its fuel consumption rate. However, these $30 full ups are making me think about it a lot more. What kind of mileage are you fellas getting with your Z's?
Ignition Troubles
I did a good 'ole flashllight inspection of both filters. (clear plastic) No trash was found.
Ignition Troubles
The chokes on the Webber DGVs are working just fine. Silky smooth action
top speed of a 72' 240z
Anybody out there ever use a hand held GPS to verify these speeds? IMO a 30 plus year old speedo probably aint all that accurate. :cheeky:
Coolest cars of all time...
I would have to agree that the XJ-13 is by far one of the most impressive cars that I have ever seen. Can you imagine...a Lucas injected v-12 with it's overhead cams and exotic exhaust note right behind your head! Allan Decadnet....one lucky bastard indeed. I think he said that there are only like two originals made. What a shame.
Ignition Troubles
Thanks for the info bambikiller. As it turns out I have the dreaded low rent DGV carbs. Why somebody would put these on a 72 is beyond me. They came with the car. These carbs have been professionaly rebuilt, the tank has been cleaned and reconditioned, new seamless fuel line installed, as well as two new filters. (one at the tank and one before the new fuel pump) For what it is worth, the valves have also been adjusted per factory specs in the Haynes book. This all ran great all the way PAST redline about a month ago. Are there any other diagnosis tricks I could try for fuel delivery vs. ignition problem(s).
Ignition Troubles
This is my first post, so please bear with me. I seem to be up a gainst the wall with some ignition problems. Here is the presenting problem: the engine will not rev past about 4000 rpm, the timing just can not be set right, if the timing is advanced, it will rev a bit higher but detonation then becomes a problem, it the timing is retarded the engine just will not rev past 4k but the detonation stops. Bear in mind, this engine is just a tired 240 with an E88 head. Not a high compression/highly stressed monster. I have checked the following: checked for leak down of the vac advance diaphragm, checked for any obstruction or binding of the moving parts in the distributer- none found. I have reached the end of my own mechanical abilities. Any further input would be great. Should I just grow a set and buy a cool new billet distributer?
OT: Honey Bee to be hacked on Monster Garage
I feel your pain. I saw them chop a really nice '72 "Vette to make a #$%* mud bogger out of it. I am not sure which is worse, Jessie James' attitude or the stupid stuff that they make.