Everything posted by a7dz
I need a morale boost :(
Just put insurance on this one!!! WA hooo
Golden Gardens 08' Seattle WA. Who's Going?
I won't be up either.
Windhield Seals OE vs. Repro
Look the same and fit real well.
Windhield Seals OE vs. Repro
I used a Percision replacement in mine and it fits really nice.
Stay away from...
The early 70 Z cars did not have the Z emblem on the satin black buckles.
Spare tall gland nut, anyone?
These come with the strut inserts and shound be matched to the insert.
Long time lover First time owner
There is another one here if you still need one. Same as above pay the shipping.
Long time Z owner
Scott; Don't get too excited about replacing the floors if they are only bent. They really staighten pretty easy. If they have a lot of rust then we are talking a different story. I am looking forward to stopping by one day in the near future and take a close look see. I kind of like the look. Period correct and yet a little different. I do plan I getting my 240 up to Golden Gardens this month. Looking forward to seeing every one again. Scott sure would be good to see you. It helps to see who you are talking with in this forum.
Loop pile carpet, any recent purchases? (2008)
See post thirty nine it explains this.
exhaust fumes again
I did not say that but, you can if you want. Of the four cars with this problem I have worked on all four were cured the same way. Entend the muffler outlet pipe.. I did not have this problem with mine for years. I had to replace the muffler and then it took a year to figure out where the smell was coming from. My stock muffler had a chrome tip on it the replacement did not. Replaced the tip and no more problem. It could be as simple as the location of the outlet on the muffler itself. FWIW
Loop pile carpet, any recent purchases? (2008)
The carpets in the kit I bought from CDM were not the loop that came in the 70. Do not have the snaps at the firewall and are missing the slots under the seats that keep these from sliding back and forth as you drive. There is a Z clip under the front edge of the seat that gets broken or is not replaced with the floor pans. I replaced them in this car. Note: I knew all of these things before I bought the carpet and I am happy with what I was shipped. I am happy with the look but, It is not OEM. I will use velcro on the bottom of the carpet to keep it in place.
Dynamat/Fatmat in Doors ...
I put be quiets product on the door outer skin and there is no worry about it coming off. I wanted to take a piece off of the door and after a few minutes decided that it was okay. It was not going to come off in one piece. I did not find any rust under the tar mat in my car where is was adhered correctly around the edges there was some. I over came that worry by, using POR 15 on all the inside surfaces of the doors.
Golden Gardens 08' Seattle WA. Who's Going?
I should be there
exhaust fumes again
So far four cars with the exhaust smell with the window down all were cured with the tail pipe being extended. Past the bumper.
Progress on my 240z
Having just finished mine I understand the color choosing thing. Mine was easy both my brothers and my son said it has always been orange and it should stay orange. It is my favorite stock color on an early Z .
Removing Air Tubes From Manifold ?
My only thought is what are you guys going to do when the great powers that be. Decide you have to put all that smog gear back. With the stock manifold it is a matter of bolting the pieces back on. Yes, I do own all of them. After owning this car over thirty I can not honestly say it runs better or faster with out the smog gear. I only removed it because it took some time to find a smog pump.
Wish I could have such luck selling on eBay!
Have to agree with the thoughts of not tearing down a car for sale here. I have found myself protecting the cars here of late. Two years ago when I started into this 70, Parts were pretty easy to come by, as we keep letting these go by saying that one is not worth that much or it is just a parts car. We all loose. Yes, some of these cars are not easy ones to repair or restore. Mine was in that class. But, it is a beautiful car today. Was it worth the efforts you tell me? On this side of the steering wheel it is better then ever
is this car 110 or 918 code??
ah Look whats under neath my car!!!
Like Carl and E said get the bottom clean and then decide what you have. I have a few minutes under mine with a scrub brush and hose. I did not pressure wash mine first and wished I had at least a dozen times. I did use a high powered degreaser and washed it three or four times. In some places it is not as bad as I thought and other places it will be worse then I thought. Just my recent experience for what it is worth.
New Fenders and Hood Arrived!!
Thanks Jeff There is no reason that your car should be any different looking then mine.
June 1973 240z - E12-80 distributor - car died, won't start
You have to figure out why you do not have power at the + terminal of the coil and E12-80 module. Get power there and she will run.
New Fenders and Hood Arrived!!
I remember that day. What a great feeling to get those boxes!! The rest of the story is they fit really nice.
The speedometer has 160, we have took it to 155mph.
This 70 gets real light in the nose at 90 -95. Anything above that stock and you lose control as was stated above.
Nuts and Bolts
Most of the bolts and nuts are still available from Nissan. You do need the part numbers.
Broken door hinge. What next?
Steve; I agree with you, but having tore two sets down, cleaned them up lubed and reassembled the operation difference is worth the effort. I know I would not put a used one in my car with out doing this work. Took me all of an hour to redo the set.