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Everything posted by HusseinHolland

  1. That makes more sense - also the OD of the NPT bung is oversize by about .010" - doesn't thread as far in by hand without more effort
  2. Measuring the fill & drain plugs - it appears they are 1/2" NPT - 14tpi gauge fits better than metric 1.75 pitch. Comparing with 1/2" NPT copper pipe & cast iron plug
  3. Thank you EuroDat. I got confused checking against your parts list, as the header says for the 'B" (early 5 speed?) trans, and only notes the "C" in regard to the stubby version footnoted (EDIT : note - I have conflated the "C" suffix with the C,W, designation). Anyway, I went with a seal listed as 70A NBR oil seal, that I could get in a day (arrives today), all other options were 1-2weeks delivery. I found this 240Z life trans id page last night, which I used for reference to figure out what I have. You could amend the parts list header to include FS5C71B, and note the 32858-U6702 as now NLA? Dave WM noted the Omega Machine bushing above - I also searched for it last night & found the listing. I'm going to leave what I have - don't want to wait a week or more for another part - I "reamed" it to remove raised burrs, and the tailshaft sleeve is still a snug fit with no discernible 'slop'.
  4. I did make sure the oil hole lined up with the squished end of the oil gutter. I'll look online for Omega Machine. If I can get one promptly, I'd just as soon change it out
  5. More dismantling. Striker shaft seal has dimensions on it - 5x 14x 20- found some online. Tailshaft bushing is pretty gouged . I pressed it out, and considered installing a Volvo AW71 bushing, but it's about 1/2" shorter, so I cleaned up the original to make sure there are no burrs, and reinstalled it. The trans has been dismantled in the past, I'm not going to take it further apart. gear & synchro teeth look OK pressing out bushing - needed a drift a hair under 1.5" to not bind in the casing Datsun (BW T5?) vs Volvo (AW71) Pretty hairy in there cleaned up front flange, new seal, gasket back in place ground down square nut so a 19mm 12 point fits - it was all kinds of mashed up. I presume they used a pipe wrench on it evidence of restaked nuts dismantled striker rod remnants of a bearing - found this in the speedo drive channel, presumably why the trans was dismantled in the first place. No evidence of any current bearing issues striker shaft seal muck gutter running to tailshaft bushing reinstalled original bushing after cleaning up the scoring
  6. I did - he said it's NLA (32858-U6702) . If Nissan listed seal dimensions in the catalog like Honda, I could at least search for an equivalent .
  7. Dave - did you dismantle (and document) the shifter (striking rod) to access the oil seal & oring?. Can't find a diagram of that aspect in the manual. Also the oil seal is NLA from Nissan, wondering if you are aware of a viable alternative? EDIT - found your videos in this thread - unfortunately (for me) the oil seal was still available back then you did it in 2016 - so I'm assuming no measurements of the old seal were ever taken for reference 😞
  8. Now I've started feeling better I worked on cleaning up the 5 speed Bleed hole in front cover? There was much fluid in the shifter cavity - I think I'll have to remove it & see what's up. The end oil seal (32858-U6702) is NLA - I could only get the shaft Oring. After degreasing, I started cleaning up the casting lines - a bunch of them were pretty sharp - I'm prone to accidents, so don't want to risk slicing myself when handling the trans for install
  9. So, they (Eibach) sent out ONE spring to replace these(!) Now I'll have to wait another week or two to get this resolved... updated the vent tank setup - posted in the Vapor Tank thread Been sick for a week now, so some days I haven't done much of anything. I spent a little while placing the outlets along the south wall, and figuring out conduit. The east end (left side) conduit will run upward to connect to the 240 outlet going on the center post between the garage doors. The west end will connect to the new conduit runs coming over the west wall behind the press. Need to finish the bottom plate in the soth wall area before I can put the inner wall back together, and then run the new electric in the conduit. got another small bench grinder from a salvage emporium in upstate NY - paid $20 for it. Just needs a little cleanup.
  10. Been trying to recall exactly - now I'm thinking the fuel in the vent line at the charcoal canister was AFTER bypassing the vent tank, but before playing around with the charcoal canisters (when I saw the fuel) - this pic is from Monday, the day before. There was an elevated loop in the line, however it was isolated from the 5/8 filler neck / fuel tank vent. SO, I think it is fair to surmise that if the vent tank had been in place, there would NOT have been liquid in the line. Now I have the two circuits combined again (previous post), I'll know during the week if it is resolved.
  11. OK - I'm cautiously optimistic about the revised setup I made today. Pondering the factory diagram, and those of the several generations of Volvos I have owned, I surmised that my main mistakes were: 1) running the 1/4 vent hose below tank level 2) separating the 1/4 and 5/8 circuits. So, in my continued effort to NOT put the vent tank back, I revised the 1/4" vent line to connect with the 5/8 line. This way, if any quantity of liquid either makes its way up into the line, it will drain back into the filler neck connection, as it would with the factory setup. The 1/4 vent then continues in a loop, and goes back out to connect to the factory line up to the canister. The underside of the canister was still damp with fuel from the prior setup, however after I wrapped up & drove around for a bit, went to Home Depot, left it sit, came home, the canister was emptied of fuel condensate (bottom of canister felt dry to the touch). I'll check it again tomorrow before I reinstall all the hatch trim. Tank end, elevated the vent hose elbow coming out of cabin Tool for installing these fittings, makes it much easier 4 way connector is from a Volvo tank vent setup
  12. Indeed! I didn't even take any pics of the inside prior to installing the rear cover - there was nothing to remark upon, everything went very smoothly.
  13. I see that it is described that way - but it appears in practice that the drain back feature seems implausible, given the height of the 5/8 fittings on the upper side of the vent tank - it would have to be full of fuel for that to happen Yes, to be clear there was liquid in the line at the charcoal canister with the vent tank in place - I could smell the fuel at the original connecting hose - which had cracks at the canister end. which is why I didn't think removing the vent tank would make a difference in that regard. What I experienced today was a deluge out of the canister - quite a different story from a little liquid sitting in the line. EDIT - to add to this - Prior to fixing the ruptured 1/4 elbow hose at the tank, I had only filled the tank once - which was how I discovered the leak at the tank - after that I had not ever filled the tank beyond 1/2 full. I do not recall getting a gas smell at the charcoal canister, and since the vent circuit was open at the tank, that would all make sense. Timeline: I "fixed" the hoses at the back, leaving vent tank in place. After that, in checking the overall system, I noted fuel odor at the charcoal canister. Drove 500 miles to Carlisle PA & back. No evidence of fuel vapors. Fuel smell developed in cabin . Decided to bypass the vent tank. Replaced the short hose from vent pipe to canister. Noted liquid fuel in vent pipe at charcoal canister. Swapped out Nissan Canister for Volvo Canister Still had slight fuel smell in cabin - - which was the improper (permeable for fuel) 1/4 hose I ran from the gas tank to the vent tank Reroute new 1/4 vent hose beneath. Fill tank. Fuel subsequently drips from charcoal canister. I'm going to have to put everything back to stock configuration & see if there is liquid fuel in the line with a full tank of gas after that. The way I have it now, the 1/4 vent line is below the level of the vent to the filler neck. The factory setup has the 1/4" vent line as the highest point in the system, above the filler neck vent. The 5/8" and 1/4" vents also combine at the vent tank. I have them completely separated. With a full tank, actual fuel must be sloshing into the 1/4" line.
  14. Thank you - I'm second guessing whether removing the vapor tank has caused the problem - however I don't know of any other car that had such a contraption, and the later Z's don't have it, so it would seem something else is the cause. I filled the tank yesterday afternoon. Today, the car was in the sun all day & early evening I drove around for 5-6 miles at low speed (25 mph zone, heavily policed) with the Mrs, and the we got home & she got out, she could smell raw fuel. I turned it off & could see gas dripping out the charcoal canister base, running down into the splash pan(!) I could add a check valve, but that wouldn't alter fuel/vapor running from the tank to the canister. I can reposition the vent line at the tank, so it runs elevated relative to the 5/8 vent, right now it angles downward off the tank nipple. I'll add the vent tank back if I have to, just rather not. diagram
  15. I insert the gas filler nozzle completely , and stop when the nozzle check shuts off supply. I don't keep adding after that. I also had never filled the tank prior to fixing the original ruptured vent hose a couple weeks back.
  16. Seems plausible in theory. I wouldn't expect there to be enough vapor to fill the vertical hard line off the rail up to the canister though. I'll pull the hose off the hard line after a few tank fulls & see if it reoccurs.
  17. I have made changes - I removed the vent tank, ran. the 5/8" filler neck hose directly to the tank fitting, and ran the 1/4" vent line directly to the charcoal canister hard line bypassing the vent tank. That was all after finding the liquid fuel in the line though. There is no check valve that I can see between the vent hose, hard line & charcoal canister that I can see, unless it's tucked up above the fuel pump mount bracket where the vent hose clamps to the hard line, which I doubt.
  18. Yes - primer energizes the pump for 3sec w/key on, engine starts right up, every time. I think it could be reduced to 2sec, but I can't remember how to set it 🤪
  19. Transmission arrived today Looks like it's been apart at some point in it's life - looks like RTV on either side of the adaptor plate
  20. Back on the fuel vent lines today. The main reason for gas smell was that I used the incorrect grade line for the 1/4" vent hose into the cabin. Still, I decided that I like the minimal fuel hose into the cabin, so I ran a new single 5/8" SAE J30R7 reinforced hose from the U-bend on the tank to the filler neck. Added a heat shrink sleeve where it passes into the cabin, to make it snug in the grommet. Plugged the smaller vent pass thru. New vent line to charcoal canister is now run underneath, so I plugged the factory grommet at the forward end of the rail. Had to use a universal grommet, I couldn't find a Volvo one in my collection in the appropriate size. Cut the original vent hose where it comes through the frame rail and added a quick connect. Nitrile line goes from there to the tank. added EPDM sleeve Pressing male QC fitting at tank end of nitrile line Female 90º QC off tank is connected using a section of the original Z vent hose from inside the cabin . These fittings can be reached for disconnect from between the rear panel & gas tank, and thru the louvre vents in the rear panel on the 75.
  21. I have body cavity wax spray, so I'll do just that if the replacements they are supplying still use the sleeve, good call.
  22. Yes, this is the 2nd set that failed. I've used Eibachs on a range of Volvos, and never had this failure. This Volvo P1 chassis (C30/S40/V50) is shared with Mazda3 & Ford Focus (From Ford's ownership period (approx 2000- 2013), so perhaps the larger market reduced product quality, I dunno. I do have the Eibach spring set on the Z as well...
  23. Indeed! There should be zero pressure in the vent side, so I don't see how liquid fuel could be drawn / pushed all the way up to the front. That would mean it had to pass through the vent canister also - seems implausible. Equally implausible for fuel to be fed through the charcoal canister, so it must have come from the gas tank somehow. Also there is no check / rollover valve to be found on my 75.
  24. Hmm... somehow I forgot to take the pic AFTER I installed it 🤪. I'll drive it around some tomorrow. The main thing I'm curious about is the fuel in the tank vent line.
  25. Back on this topic - I pulled out a Volvo Cannister - I was looking at the hose from the vent line on the inner fender to the Cannister, and since it seemed to me there were signs (or rather smells) of gasoline on occasion, I figured I would try the Volvo (GM) Cannister at the same time Identical fittings on this one - from a mid 90s 960 What I wasn't expecting was actual fuel in that metal vent line coming up the inner fender. When I pulled off the hose there was fuel all the way up at the hose. I presumed fuel vapor of course, but not fuel actually spilling out of the hose. No wonder I could smell gasoline there (given that they were cracks in the hardened hose). I removed the gas cap and blew back through that hose to the tank to make sure it was clear. It is, so now that it's cleaned out I'll see if fuel accumulates in it as time goes by. Seems odd to me.

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