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About Route66

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  • Member ID: 45020

  • Rank: ApprentiZe

  • Content Count: 12

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  • Reputation: 13

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  • Joined: 04/03/2023

  • Been With Us For: 694 Days

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  • Map Location
    OKC, OK
  • Occupation
    Self employed

My Cars

  • About me and my cars
    1988 Z31 GLL, 1974 260z early

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  1. Can you expand on that? They're in my home state and seem to be growing, haven't heard any first hand accounts pro or con about them.
  2. Breaking Away, 1979. Dennis Christopher, Dennis Quaid, Daniel Stern, John Ashton and Jackie Earle Haley. Ice blue Z with 4 spoke "mags" and a whopping CB antenna.
  3. Make sure not to use home center type weather seals in metal on metal situations. Those materials tend to hold water.
  4. I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but another option is the FYG or Fuyao glass. I ordered it from a local glass shop and they had it in a couple of days, probably came in from a regional warehouse. Carried it out the door for about $225. Glass looks nice quality, not wavy and no blue band across the top.
  5. Excellent question, and the one spot check I did, in fact showed a much higher price for epay. $30 higher for the whole car 1200pc stainless hardware kit with another $13 piled on for shipping. I'm a pretty thorough online buyer, and I sure hope I didn't let one like this squeak by me on past purchases. Never mind everbody! 🙄
  6. I buy from Zcar Depot through their Ebay store. Not sure how many items they carry on their website, but they have something like 1,560 items on their ebay store. https://www.ebay.com/str/zcardepot
  7. Thank you! I plan to do some work on it this weekend, including some current photos.
  8. Boy, I have no idea why it linked my membership application through you. I think I just went in the front door of the website and hit the join button. Decided to join up since my 260 early restoration is finally kicking into gear. Sorry if I creeped anybody out 😅
  9. I've been prepping my 260 to hopefully be in the body shop by June. The car was originally white so my switch to silver won't have to adhere to figuring out a true 901. This shot helped me decide on a final color of Porsche "Arctic" vs "Polar" silver. The less blue and more platinum hue suits me better and I think is kind of a modern take on 901. Just tossing this in for general knowledge/metallic silver discussion hope it adds something.
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