Everything posted by ZHadMan
Custom Wiring Harnesses
This project is definately do-able. It just takes quite a bit of time to determine commonality/differences between years and will require even more time to map out a plan of action for production (fixturing, jigs, wire lengths...etc.). I just don't have much free time anymore. I barely have time for my GF, let alone my car (I can't sleep WITH my car! ) I also dropped my plans for the L24 and am installing an SR20 instead. I will keep my OE harness intact, but re-producing it has become a secondary priority. Another big concern is liability. If I produce a wiring harness for Mr. X and Mr. X installs it incorrectly and his car burns to the ground with him trapped inside I could be held liable. Gruesome, yes. Probable, No. But there is always that chance and I'm not quite prepared to deal with that issue yet. In the future I will likely set myself up an LLC before I start selling anything. This subject is still on my mind and I come up with new ideas all the time. I just gotta get some things sorted out first.
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
Sorry! I've been super busy! I took a new position at work and have been swamped ever since. I'm still here :classic: , but I have had to put some of my 'wiring' projects on the back-burner. My original plan had been to use my own car as my test case, but the project has evolved beyond the original L24 and has de-railed my 'stock' replacement wiring. Sadly, however, free time is a rare commodity anymore.
HELP locating a picture
Found it! Thanks! www.spiritgarage.com
HELP locating a picture
Hello all, I've been searching and searching for a certain picture and so far have come up blank. Maybe someone can help me out? It is a picture of a heavily modified S30. It's white, has an almost JGTC'ish body kit (dive planes and all) and I believe it also had a carbon fiber (ish) hood. I've only seen this car in avatars, but was hoping someone had a clearer/larger picture of it... and maybe some info. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! Keith
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
There have been alot of great ideas and suggestions. I am just sorry I haven't been on the board much lately. Just took a new design position at work and have been extremely busy. Still messing with the wiring project in my spare time, though. I've got everything figured out except the ignition. It's a funky connector setup that's kinda hard wired to the switch (well... mine is). I was going to use my harness as a 'test' piece, but the removal of the L24 and the installation of my SR20 has kinda curbed that one a bit. Even though there have been set-backs I am still enthusiastic about it... just overly occupied! I do, however, appreciate everyones support and I encourage all those with an interest in projects like this to go for it! Cheers
Custom Wiring Harnesses
Sorry, I haven't been on too much lately. I have been extremely busy with work and have had a few financial (and time) setbacks. I'm still gung ho, though... and progressing... slowly. This is a pretty big job and I don't want to rush it too much. Stay tuned though, I should have a bit more free time (in the upcoming months) to dedicate to this endeavor
Custom Wiring Harnesses
BambiKiller, My intent was, and still is, to offer a product for each year of the 240Z. Complexity of the FI harnesses, coupled with limited availability of required components, forces me to concentrate on carb'd vehicles. Many people, however, run the L28 with carbs and I can, where neccessary, adapt a harness to suit. I am in the Research and Development phase right now, trying to sort out all the differences between the various model years. Perhaps, at some later date, when things are up and running I can work on an FI solution. I just don't have the time or resources to do so now. I encourage people to post or PM me any questions they may have about what I plan to offer. Thanks! Keith H
Custom Wiring Harnesses
Whoa there! I don't think anyone was trying to attack your intentions or intellect. I apologize if I came across that way. I was more trying to point out why I have chosen not to go with Painless, not berate you for your standpoint. Once again, no harm, nor ill will, intended. :classic: Keith H
Custom Wiring Harnesses
You are correct, the sub-harnesses will still be in-place. These pigtails (wiper motor, headlights, taillights...etc) cannot be easily replaced with new... unless you can open them up and re-solder pieces in their stead. The Painless system will NOT replace them. You will, however, need to integrate the two. The stock connectors will not be able to be retained unless you splice into the existing (30+ y/o) wiring or find new terminals. Many of these old connectors are brittle or, in some cases, melted.... and therefore unusable. Substitute connectors would have to be used. There is nothing WRONG with the Painless harness... it's just GENERIC and therefore not tailored to the Z car. There are not many wiring options available to the Z owner. Nissan does not have 'new' harnesses and a Painless, or custom, setup is all there is. Hence the purpose of this thread. A specific, easy to install, 240Z wiring harness... that does not cost thousands of dollars. :classic: K
Custom Wiring Harnesses
I (IMHO) feel that TomoHawk is correct. I looked into the Painless system before I even entertained the idea of creating new harnesses. While I feel their system is comprehensive, I do not feel it is completely... ahem... painless. It would require modification in order to integrate effectively with the Z car's electrical components. I am not going to put down, nor degrade, thier product any because many individuals, with the time and tools, have successfully used them in thier cars. That being said... MY harness will also require some modifications to install. I am merely attempting to minimize the amount of work, time, and tools it takes to do so. Naturally, my opinion is a bit biased (). Cheers, Keith H
Tools for electrical trouble shooting
Patience also is an electrical virtue (hence the need for aspirin). Take your time and be methodical, almost anal. Scour the internet, talk to friends, ask questions, or read some books and try to understand how and why some things work. This will help you to diagnose/troubleshoot issues you may have with your electrical system. Be aware that not all wires are created equal. There is actually wiring developed specifically for automotive use (Automotive Primary wires, GPT, GXL... etc). Spade and ring tongue terminals are used heavily in the Z. Try and find yourself a small assortment kit. Look for Stripmaster wire strippers... you can find them at Home Depot ($35, but well worth the investment). They are easy to use, allow you to strip several gauges of wire, and reduce the chance of nicking your wires. Here is a great book for the DIY'er: Automotive Electrical Don't get too discouraged if you're having problems... this board is a great wealth of information. Have fun! -Keith H
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
I see your point. Unfortunately I don't think a company like Painless would produce a specific harness for the Z. They would probably just tell us to use their 'generic' harness. MSA might be interested, but the cost would more than likely be very high. Just look at thier $200 fuse box.
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
Why would I order from Painless when I can make them myself?
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
Already in the works! I'm working on a more user-friendly version to include with the harness. I love AutoCad! Making things so simple!
Our Women (or significant others)...
A small tribute to my girlfriend! She's always there for me and has always supported my love of Z's. I spend alot of time at work and commuting and she never complains when I work on my car. She listens to endless ramblings about Z-car wiring harnesses, tools and supplies... with a smile and not a frown. She calls me (when I can take calls ) or sends me messages to tell me she's seen a nice Z I would like. And on top of all that... she loves me for who I am. Since it is the holiday season, I firmly believe that the greates gift of all (for me) isn't going to be chrome plated, powder coated, re-upholstered, or freshly painted. It's my girlfriend Sylvia (), whom a car could never replace! I'm sure there are others on here who feel the same way (hopefully not about my GF!). Give a shout! Happy Holidays! Keith H
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
Little did I ever realize that my initial thread would grow to 5 pages! Member involvement is what it is all about! There has been some talk about 'improving' the original wiring and since the subject has come up I've been giving it some additional thought. I agree that there could be some improvements to the wiring harness, but to what extent? Simple changes, like additional grounds, better wire, fewer contacts/resistance points, new fuse boxes (using automotive blade fuses)...etc., are easy enough to accomplish. They would require little (if any) modifications necessary on the part of the installer/purchaser. That was, and still is, my goal for this project. Other changes, like routing everything through relays, would require a more extensive look at, and overhaul of, the electrical system as a whole (IMHO). I feel, that at this point, changes of this magnitude are beyond the scope of my endeavor. At this time I would like to keep my product simple so that it can be plugged into anyone's car with relative ease. Perhaps in the future, after I have the harnesses up and running, I can integrate larger scale changes into the system. I already have a few fuse box 'blanks' on the way and I'm working on an alternative to the $200 unit offered by MSA. Please feel free to offer improvement suggestions. There is a wealth of knowledge in this forum that I will not disregard. Meanwhile... keep tinkering! Best regards, Keith H.
Custom Wiring Harnesses
Surprisingly I have had many requests for wire to wire replacements. I would definately like to produce a product that improves upon and works better than the original. I have been paying close attention to threads/write-ups/advice on how to improve the electrical system of the Z and I would like to work some of those improvements into my harness. What, reasonably, would people like to see changed, from stock, on the wiring harnesses?
- On Trailer - Going home
- Rear panel
- Dash/Console
- Rear
- Wheel well minus fender
- Right fender removed
- Passenger door panel
- Door panel