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Everything posted by NVZEE2

  1. Fuse? Relay? Grounds? 12v + in the right places? Whole new can of worms here, and the horn button is just one basic component. Like you, my '72 horn didn't work at first, but I was relieved that simply cleaning the contacts for the button restored the ground and brought the horn back to life. Got a multimeter or test light and a schematic to see if circuits are complete and juice is going where it belongs, just in case it takes detective work? Safe bet that you'll need this stuff sooner or later. On cars of this vintage, weak or non-existent current flow due to oxidation on contact surfaces is a common electrical gremlin.
  2. The information probably exists elsewhere on this site but, for the sake of this discussion, here's a quick comparison of an early, smaller pad (48410-E4600) which fits my '72 wheel and a later pad. No info on the second one because it came in a grab-bag of odd parts. I tried to make it work on the '72 wheel -- before I node better
  3. Posted to their FB page, Benton Performance is hosting a tribute to John May 7.
  4. That twist seems to be typical on retractors for some reason. Simple fix is to pull the belt out to its limit on the retractor and then feed it back in with the twist corrected. It usually takes a little fussing to get the twisted part to load because it's doubled over but can be done -- the closer to the retractor end of the belt the better.
  5. You forgot the worst four-letter word of all around Datsuns: "RUST"
  6. Rare for these guys to go Japanese but this recent episode features a totally original 13K-mile one-owner that earns them a quick, fat profit: Datsun Nice Car You Got There Gary loves original cars, so when he hears about a motivated seller of an 82 Datsun 280Z he hooks up the trailer and heads out. But is an all original 280Z really a collectable car?
  7. Hagerty speculates that Skylines may be in for a big surge in prices and demand: https://www.hagerty.com/articles-videos/Articles/2016/04/06/Nissan-Skyline
  8. That looks like the Kyosho G-nose but with a Nissan part # from the Japanese Nissan/Nismo catalog - https://shop.nissan.co.jp/product/detail/3026# The model's also on ebay without the Nissan sticker - http://tinyurl.com/j75hx9k.
  9. I'm giving this topic a bump because it may be of interest but doesn't show up in recent activity.
  10. http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2016/03/01/scca-creates-autocross-classes-for-pre-1975-sports-cars/
  11. http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2016/02/25/beauty-themed-peoples-choice-demo-day-at-the-simeon-yields-a-surprising-tie-for-second-place/
  12. http://www.speedhunters.com/2016/02/old-dogs-new-tricks-datsun-z-2-flavours/
  13. Got any more info on this? Be great to see a separate thread on what you did and how it worked out. Thanks!
  14. The Z Car Garage 240Z from SEMA got more attention: http://www.speedhunters.com/2016/02/os-giken-power-americas-exotic-240z/
  15. Built by Floyd Link -- from BRE? Based on that, it should run as good as it looks! But for quickie comparison, there's at least one other 260 dyno thread around here:
  16. Absolutely, Z support is something to be appreciated -- but 510 sources have been improving lately as interest and car values grow. Dave Patten at Futofab is doing a great job, also Baz at Datsport: http://datsport.com/ Australia has its own, very creative batch of 1600/Bluebird fanatics. Quality replacement rubber pieces and odd little bits remain the challenge, but ebay and craigslist can help narrow the search. Repro parts coming out of Asia are hit-or-miss so try to get feedback from the forums mentioned earlier in this thread.
  17. To add to your list of 510 resources: Riley at Lynchburg Nissan :http://www.lynchburgnissan.com/ Unlike a lot of Nissan parts guys these days, Riley speaks fluent Datsun and is very helpful. Other references here show he's a frequent go-to source for parts questions. Also, the Dime Quarterly was likely the last printed newsletter in a succession of 510 enthusiast publications. Not the usual "club" format, it was loaded with tech articles. The archive site has these available as pdf's, along with related publications, manuals, etc. An index is in the first file, DQ Appendix.xls https://drive.google.com/folderview?ddrp=1&id=0ByCvxnHNk90SYzc4N2E1MWEtMzg0MC00YTE4LTkxZGQtM2RjODA5ODA1YjU1# https://drive.google.com/folderview?ddrp=1&id=0ByCvxnHNk90SMzIxZWIwYWYtYzljNy00ZGU2LWI3ODctYzRjMmE0MGY3NTA1# http://datsun510.com/manuals/
  18. Odd little project -- but the anime clip is some nice Z imagery: http://jalopnik.com/this-electric-mini-wangan-midnight-datsun-z-is-actually-1753440683
  19. http://www.speedhunters.com/2016/01/z-car-garage-datsun-geeks-rule/
  20. More details here, Mike. It's such a big project (and expense) that it's a subscription kit: http://japanesenostalgiccar.com/2015/06/18/minicars-a-brief-history-of-subscription-scale-models/ 100 batches of parts at roughly $15 US a pop = $1500 -- plus international postage, of course.
  21. http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2015/12/29/the-personalized-datsun-1976-280-z-brochure/
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