Chasing a ground on 72 240z (99963) on the Dome lamp/ Instrument circuit. Blowing fuse every time, removed dash and located to Ampmeter/Fuel gauge (YR wire). Buzzed it out on multimeter.
Attachments 1. shows 29 ohms from fuse block connector (RL) to gauge (YR). Wires attached.
Attachment 2. shows 56 ohms from fuse block connector (RL) to gauge (B). YR wire removed.
Attachment 3. shows 0 ohms from fuse block connector (RL) to gauge (YR) disconnected. YR wire removed
Looking for some help here on the fuel gauge. I’ve opened gauge and the contact brushes for (YR) makes contact with the (B) contact brushes. Is this correct? Also I ohm out between YR and B post on gauge and get 58 ohms (wiring removed). Thoughts