Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Headlight Scoops
On my 10/71 they are fibergall. On my 8/72 the are metal. They may have been changed i dont know
Oh where could he be?
Yes thats Him!
Age-Old Battle! 240Z vs. 280Z
The 240 is lighter and handles better. On a really tight course the 240 would win a race. But i have a l28 in my 240 tho
Oh where could he be?
Good idea....blasted ten letters
Oh where could he be?
You are talking to the master of getting under ppls skin!
dash repair
I can get my gages out with my cap on. Just a little finigling
Oh where could he be?
Lets all email him everyday untill we get a responce :bandit:
Has anyone tried to chrome their grills? I have a idea i am shooting for. But dont know how much i want to actually spent getting it done. Anybody happen to know a good place to have it done? Thanks Bill
dash repair
I have a full cap on mine and it looks ok to me...But everyone has a different vision. I have a half cap i would give ya if you wanted it.
Oh where could he be?
Im sure we all miss the bambikiller. Has anybody heard from him lately? I emailed him with no responses. Hope he didnt get hurt. I also hope he didnt flush himself http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=8118&cat=500&page=2
Vegas Represent
If he lived in Japan then why does it say hes from vegas? Just ribing ya alfapup. Welcome abourd
Gold 15x7 Konig rewinds on Ebay
The silver 14/7 wheels are only 499 fome msa http://www.zcarparts.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=25-1059&Category_Code=WWC19
Hard At Work? Or Buying Z Parts?
Help me find a Z
I have a chasis i would sell. But im a good 600 miles away. Pm me if your interstead.
Car won't start???
It is parked for repair...but it still starts and runs great!
Another z bites the dust
What no pic? Thats guy destroyed a great car. I hope the put him under the jail!
Car won't start???
Hey my car isnt a garage queen its sitting under a canopy. And it still runs!
Car won't start???
If you put 4 gal in then it has enough to start. Try fuel filter, fuel pump. Maybe its your injectors. Im not to great with fuel injection. I would look at your timeing as well.
what is the size of the trunk in a 240Z?
I think that hes not a member anymore
Your First car.
A station wagon for a first car...now thats funny
3.2L Stroker G-nose
Mr. K
Mr. K hopping in a 240
Ed's Interior
Original unrestored 240Z