Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Way of the Future?
Shoot, Make ya some high grade corn wiskey.....Like the dukes did
Here's a winner!!
I would take it...somerthing else for the mother to gripe at
Here's a winner!!
Hey engine still turns over....
Passenger side shot
- Commic
New Z owner
Hey not a ausie here but welcome to the club anyway!
My next Project 2
Z Ladies are hotties!
Sounds good....but lets make em younger!
Shopping list.
Hey guys..I just put a new mc. on the 72. The brakes work better but you have to pump em up. We blead em out again...and again.....and for a change f pace we blead em out again. No change. Given the shape of the car and the brakes im going to just rebuild the who brake system. New calipers and cylenders. Drums and disks And flex lines. Im still debating on wether or not change the servo. Dose anyone have any other BRAKE parts i need to look into? I know i got puns coming. Or does anyone know of a deacent solid 240 shell around arkansas or close to it? I thought about pulling the engine from the 72 to the 71. But for now im saving some cash. Thanks for your help...Bill
Hit and run...advice
Heck take em out let he air flow out and put em back in...that way he pays to have em fixed and theirs nothing wrong with em
New Poll of the month
They are the same?
Finally Arrived!
electris mirrer switch?
Well Damn
I was going after 2 cents worth of bread
Well Damn
Geeeeeeee I have parked the z untill i get some repairs done. Next decent day shes geting floorboards and a speedo cable
Would Like to hear your thoughts...
Drop 3 grand at the gutys feet. He Will come around
Future Z Driver!
New seals - Doors wont close
I was fixing to buy a weatherstripping kit...Where did ya buy it from? It could be defective
Water in the oil
Most likely its the head. Did you change the oil out after you changed the gasket? If you did then did you get it all out? Carl knows alot about thease things. Knowledge comes with age i gues Hoe ya get her fixed
Great Z story
Give him our web site link!
Well Damn
I wasnt trying to get definsive, Enrique I am sorry guess i took it sirusly. No Will I will not sell the hat not evan for a restored car . Or hell i could go and get a new had for 13 bucks
Well Damn
*Isn't this the 3rd or 4th incident * Nope only the second. And i didnt know i was speeding i was following another car. You think i didnt now it was going to take money in the first place? Geez
Strange motor swap
Its your car, But personally i would stick with the six
72 Z
Wish it was closer...id pull ole rusty apart and drop it all over in that one
Well Damn
Its a probationary ticket. It wont evan go on my record arcording to deputy dolittle I only drive the car about twice ever feiw weeks and im replacing things as i can. I guess its easy for you peaple with the huge bank acounts to go on and on about the poor guy
Well Damn
My speedo dont work . He didnt sitr me for not whereing seat belts. They are messed up to