Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Got my Zed back!!! :)
Thats good to here. Just dont wipe it out next year!
Random Questions
Its only 8 am here . Why do we spend our time and money on 30 plus year old cars when we could buy new ones with the money we spend? Gees thats the dumbest question of the month.
Random Questions
Who the hell wrecked my Z? Why did the chicken cross the road? And who gives a damn?
Mossy Show
Sounds like that would be alot of fun to attend. To bad its to damn far away.
all alone
This could be fun.
Hummm..... You couldnt catch crabs from a $10.00 hooker. Dang I cant think of any.
My Factory Restored 1972 240Z
car condom
You can put A tarp over it. BUT. Only when its snowing or the weather is threatening rain. If not the plastic will draw moister and you would find a big pile of rust when you uncover it. Also make sure its away from trees. As the ice might bring the lems down crashing apawn your car.
If you ever want to get rid of it ill trade you a almost like new 93 model saturn for it . Only has a lil over 268,000 miles on it.Just kidding thats a great looking car Vicky
Honor Roll
On the other hand the peaple in Iraq could have stayed under Saddom And been torchered for another 20 or so years. And he would have put Ben Ladden up to if he actualy needed a place to hide. We are trying to rid the world of terrerists. We have to go were they are to get them. I agree that their are alot of them here. But what goods it going to do for us to kill them all off over here if they just send more? I am not trying to get a arguement started by anymeans. Carl i consider you a friend of mine so please dont take this wrong . Just my 2c.
Engine is out!
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Pick on the young guy! No actualy thats when i sighned up at yahoo. Guess its about time that i upgraded it.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Mine is kinda odviouse.
Kinglake National Park
Z Car On History Channel November 7
Hope to see him on the history channel someday. Maby he'll desighn the next Z car. Fast Will make hum understand!
Z Car On History Channel November 7
I dont have cable or satalite. So i could still use the tape!
Z Car On History Channel November 7
Thank you!
Z Car On History Channel November 7
Would someone consider taping it for me? Ill pay for the tape and shipping.
Newest Club Hat Delivery!
Left Rear
Vintage Racing Art
That looks pretty cool if i do say so. Wish i could have been at that show.
New age Doctors
oops sorry grumpy i would move it if i could
New age Doctors
A woman who had the worst chronic headache goes to a famous "new age" holistic doctor, as a last resort. "Doctor, I have tried everything, but my headache just won't go away." "The doctor replied, "You have come to the right place." "This is what I want you to do: go home, stare at yourself in the mirror, point your index fingers at your temples, and repeat this mantra: "I really don't have aheadache, I really don't have a headache". "Do it as long as it takes, the headache is just going to vanish." As she leaves the doctor's office, skeptical but curious at the same time, she tries the maneuver in front of the mirror in the elevator. Fingers pointed at her temples, she starts repeating "I really don't have a headache, I really don't have a headache...". She has barely said it four times, when she realizes her headache is gone. Shocked and elated, she runs back up to the doctor. "Doctor, you are a genius! "Can I please send you my husband? He's been having problems in a certain department... how can I put it... " "When was the last time you two had sex?" "About eight years ago." "Send him over." A few days later, she is waiting with baited breath for her husband to come home from the doctor. He arrives, asks her to wait, and goes straight to the bathroom. When he comes out, he throws her on the couch and starts making wild passionate love to her, when he's finished, he goes right back to the bathroom. A few minutes later he comes out, rouses her from her bliss and starts at it again, like an insatiable young man. After another hour of great sex he goes and locks himself in the bathroom again. At this point the wife has become unbearably curious. She tiptoes to the bathroom door, looks through the keyhole, and sees her husband, staring at himself in the mirror, fingers pointed at his temples, repeating: "That woman is not my wife, that woman is not my wife....."
weird %$^&, 280zx+Silvia
Ranks about 3.1 on my wierd shitometer
uhhhh i thought it was a 120 Guess i better fix it. Somebody else told me it was . As for the 520 thats a typo ill go fix. Guess thats what i get for talking on the instant messenger and typing at the same time.