Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
What is the name of this thing?
I deleted the messege. If i get another i will post it. I mean the one from here. The mailing list thingy mo jig you get when you sighn up..or the ofer you get for it or whatever it is...Ive had it sence i sighned up. And now i dont mean post notifacation eather .
The mail list. I havent gotten it esturday or today but I got it the day before.
I am still getting it Mike. Are u sure its off line?
2000GT-R die cast models
Dangit Mike, you link dont work eather.
Stephen Blakeney's 1964 PL320 Pickup, "DATROD"
my first Z-
Will, you were offering me a set of wheels the other day, Ill take the slotted mags off your hands .
I need an american to help me out !
Let us know when you get it in....What kinda book was it?
RB30-ZED's sweet ride #2
Title Problems
I ran it through the DMV. It didnt come back stole...But the po told me he had it for two monthes before i got it....the dmv says nothing been done with it since 95...something dont jive. I still have the trade car that i traded him sitiing in my yard with the title. He wont come and pick it up... Im starting to wonder is somebody looking for him...I could get the title if i could get his last name. I evan tried getting it off his mail box. Didnt evan have one. This is starting to get scary. Im realy starting to wonder about this guy. I know the cars not hot...well atleast not been reported anyway. I just cant get jerk wod to give me his last name.
Title Problems
I have to get a bonded title on mine...Stinking po wont tell me what salvage yard it came from...says he dont know the name...(dont know the name my arse.)
Now THAT'S a sign!
here's a bargin
Its got to be a typo...Carl your not selling your z are you?
difference between FWD and RWD
Sports car are not worthless on ice...Never drove one on snow before. Rwd has alot more power the fwd. Plus the burnouts look cooler!
Hey, what do you think?
What is the melting point of that stuff? I know a guy that has a tool box (one of those the fits in the back of a truck.) He had it coted with somkinda plastic bed liner and it melted of. Looks like crap now. The engine heat under the hood could melt it. Just somthing to thinks about. Bill
RB30-ZED's sweet ride #1
Loads of parts for sale - parting out entire car!!
Carl i have a good cowel make me a offer. Tex, I cant get you sight to work...do you got to be logged in? Never tried a sight like that before. Please inlighten me :stupid:
Loads of parts for sale - parting out entire car!!
Sending you a pm.
SPO V8 Implant
Parts interchangeable?
Yeah Will i know. Im not that dence . If that "dope* dont get my pics soon i might show up on his doorstep .
Parts interchangeable?
What have you been saying about me anyways Will...somthing you wanna be telling me?
I missed the turn!
Neglected Nissans (Beware! Non-Z Content)
oops I meant a 240K