Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Tired of being called names?
Well she aint going to leran no younger! Guys are usauly the ones that diss mine. Its gotten called rice burner, jap crap, pos, you name it. All thease names came from a naighbor that wanted one untill i got one. Teenage girls call it a bad arse car. Or ask if i can take them for a ride in it. But i have had teenage girls threaten to still it to. I donno if thats good or not ,some of the kids around here just might. All i can say is Damn i got to get it running!
Well i never seen em before.
Correct Gear Shift Knob
Nice intorior man. Where did you get the floor mats. Not to hyjack your thread. But im kinda enterestead.
Is This For Real?
What did you smoke in that bus?
Is This For Real?
Mike go climb a tree Just messing with you man. Post to be deleted in 4,3,2,
Power Output
Nice to know there is a fello 16 year old z owner out there. Wish mine looked as good as urs does tho. It looks like you had a blast. Just remmember no tickets!
Charley's Comming
You say that like its a bad thing.
Charley's Comming
Were thinking about you Vicky. Keep your Zs put up dont let em get wet. Hope you make through ok.
Your opinion on this front air dam (sweet)
I would like to have a set of panasports myself. Those are going on my dreams list. :classic:
Is This For Real?
Thats why we need a section for it.
Playing with toys now are we pup. Could they be vents?
Diecast Model Collectable
Well hell Rick. Why did you mention us good folks earleir! Back off! heathen..
Point of interest
You guys come up with the neatest ideas around this place.
Is This For Real?
Would u guys get a hold on ur selves. If z cars are the only thing there is on here to talk about, then eventualy its going to get boring as hell in here. If you guys dont like what ur reading then dont read it! Its that simple. Ohhh waight then you wouldnt have anything to bitch about would you?
Is This For Real?
If we all focused on the same thing then wemon every where would still be naked. Sorry Vicki i had to .
careful not to spin it
Your opinion on this front air dam (sweet)
kinda looks like a rear spoiler mounted under the front.
Is This For Real?
Anyone have the guts to start this thread. I wanna see this. Heck i will . let me get permision.
Is This For Real?
You got a point. I supose im for one but it wont do anygood i cant vote.
HELP!!! terminal engine vibration!!!
Check ur plug wires to. You might have gotten a lemon.
Tell us everything man. I cant speak for anyone else, but i enjoy hereing about yur new editition. As long as nobody complains that its *off topic*
L26 Motor 4 Speed Trans - Whole or Parts - South Dakota
Yup thats it.
Wanted: 70-72 front bumper BAD trade???
Well lets see if whats his name still wants it. I was thinking on going with the fiberglass ones myself.
Now Carl if you wernt always in there drewiling thay wouldnt have said that