Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Nissan paint code 611 Dupont match?
I beleive they will.They do here
Finally completely interior
Did you have someone finish it for u? Or did you do it urself? That looks realy great.
Wanted: 70-72 front bumper BAD trade???
If he doesnt buy it. How much would you be wanting fo it?
Is This For Real?
Somebody call a truck the bull shits rolling in. Ill give u a break. If gore would have won the election he wouldve been in office. Dont take ur sore losing $^!# out on me mister. If you could run it anybetter why arnt you running? excuses are like arse holes everybodys got one.
Look what was hiding!!!!!!
*Bangs head and thinks about work to come*
Is This For Real?
Dont worry about that Vicky i wont . We need to make a debate thread.
Is This For Real?
Yeah and i supose abortion and gay marage is a good thing, atleast that apears to be what ur claiming. I guess values dont matter anymore. You could look at Clinton. If he haddnt of gotten in office the whole 9/11 thing may not have ever happened. He is the one that band FBI and CIA sharing information. That information each of the two had clearly when put together told us somthing was going to happen. Gee We owe old Bill a thanks for that one. Then you have kerry,who claims to be a war hero. Hell i bet he pissed his pants. But sence this war is such i bad thing i guess we all should right a thank you letter to osama for what he did huh. Hell Its a bad thing for us to defend ourselves nowadays. Give me a break.
Is This For Real?
Considering im not evan old enough to vote it realy doesnt concern me who gets it. As long as they dont make us look more dumb then we already do. Bush is a moron but maby if Clinton hadnt of messed everything up then maby we would be better off. Hey Now clinton was from Arkansas, the dope from hope as we call him. Anyone care to pick on him a little? Im already sick of these stooped comercials they are running, lets not get into a depate i didnt mean it to start one. Ps. my mother is from Texas, anyone know any good Texan jokes Not to mention my ex.
Is This For Real?
Hes doing a better job then Gore wouldve done. Or Kerry for that matter.
L26 Motor 4 Speed Trans - Whole or Parts - South Dakota
Do you still have the air box?
72 240Z for sale (Midwest)
That is a beautifull car, i love those wheels. I wish i had the 3500.
They won the 24 hrs of daytona the 12 hrs of sebring and the gt 1 in the 24 hrs of la mans one year to. But i cant think of the year.
Is This For Real?
Geeee you reckon he would trade a vw buss for it?
Who knows how many c production class championships The z cars has?
Is This For Real?
Vw beetle for a 240z? Man this guy is dumber then me!
Finally completely interior
Come Back!
Finally completely interior
Looks realy cool. Where did you get the panel?
Wanted: 70-72 front bumper BAD trade???
Dropped you a pm Ed
Wanted - early 240Z parts
I have a set of hinges for a 74 ill sell you. Donno if they will fit or not.
1965 Datsun Pickup on Ebay
I wouldnt mind having it. But i have a plenty big enough project on my hands right now. :hurt: This place has to 260zs a 510 and a 610. Not to mention 20 or so old datsun trucks.
Great plans. Ill be whatch F1 for him .
Nice to see him here and healthy man. Now when he asks for a car. nomatter how young he still is get it for him Had my first truck wen i was 8. For some reason dad wouldnt let me drive it tho .
P-plate restrictions discussed
Sounds like bull $^!# to me Kids over here get there dadys money and go buy cars like porches, and vipers and vetts. Not one of them drives responsibly. But they have to understand that if the kids dont get out and hurt themselves or worse, then they will never learn. I would pray nothing sirus happened to them, but its the only way.
1965 Datsun Pickup on Ebay
Somewhere else There is a truck like the red one here in someones avator, for sale out of a junk yard. 500 bucks. Straight body and no visible rust. (keep in mind the guy wouldnt let me get under and look. becouse it had wasp nests in it and he didnt want me to get stung cuz he thought i would sew him,not to mention im alergic to them. Dad looked it over to. The engine will turn over but wont start. He poored some gas down the carb and it fired up. Ran untill the gas ran out. Duh fuel pump. Wish i had some cash. Its a long ways from here but i think i could go check it out if its still there, Anyone interestead?
This Z was stored in a chicken coop since 1987
Gav you have a good point. But i think Carl sounded the best. :devious: Somebody give me the link i mustve missed it.