Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
280 wheel
needs work 2
Everybody just drops right in
I donno what are we talking about:stupid: . Hey Will have you got a chance to pull those lenses yet?
Should I get a 240Z for my 1st car?
I think it would be good. If its what you want then go for it.
Porsche recognition
Sounds like you had a blast.
Everybody just drops right in
ROFL awww quap. Guess I should come up with a good one then.
Thanks Kmack im in the process of getting the vidoe.
Everybody just drops right in
Nice idea Vicky. Exept this is a 6 letter state And it has been pointed out to me that im a anoying 12 year old. But im not touching that one. Look in my gallery at that pic...
Everybody just drops right in
My z in the shape its in, The mail lady and the naighborhood kids are always asking questions and wanting me to sell it. All the girls wanna ride in it. And all i can do about is say,Damn! I gotto get that thing going.
red 1971 z
Need some pics....
How old were you?
Oh yeah uhh huh. Im like real sure.
How old were you?
ROFL Carl your messed up!
How old were you?
Well Roopz how old are you? I guess I should jump in. I started this shindig after all:classic: I was 15 In a tent at my girls house. Good thing we didnt get cought:tapemouth
How old were you?
I thought this could make a pretty interesting thread. How old were you when you had your first sexual encounter? Was it in your Z? Or somthing else:cry: . Hookers dont Count eather .
Wheel Decision
Now that I see the pics i have to agree with Gav.
What was it like to meet Mr.K, Mr. Matsuo, and Katayama-san?
Thats great Ben. Sounds like you had a blast. Did you beg him to sell the LY
Me and old Rusty.
What was it like to meet Mr.K, Mr. Matsuo, and Katayama-san?
Well tell us already!
need 71 240 parts
Give texasz a shout.
Wheel Decision
I like the mark 3s ,But i donno about the colors tho.
SCCA June Sprints
No caption
Hypnotizing 240Z club Boob Flash
I'm Lucky to be Alive?
Well if you will be selling any parts. Keep me in mind:classic: