Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Go Gators!
One for my Septic mates
Uhhh That just dont make no senseROFL
Me and old Rusty.
yeah im 16. When i was 14 a policeman asked for my drivers licence. I had to convince him i was only 14 .
Ok heres a pic of the carbs. Edit. Well i had to put it in my gallery Its waighting on aproval.
Me and old Rusty.
Euro spec rear lights
Remember that tonight when she wont do what you ask
What was it like to meet Mr.K, Mr. Matsuo, and Katayama-san?
I would like to here that myself...
Euro spec rear lights
Yeah yeah yeah. I always thought the wife ran the houseROFL
Euro spec rear lights
If you buy them Vicky he would put em on. And if not, Ladys do have other ways of convincing men to do things :tapemouth
Need a hatch for a 73 z
I have a white one from a 74. Im not sure how good the paint is tho.
Z on Ebay
Ok i Drove down there at 12 last night to pick up my mother. Her stooped van broke down again. Dads old truck was a adventure to drive that far to:tapemouth Its more like 130 miles. But this guy thats selling this car Is dumber then a brick.:stupid:
Anyone have an orange 280?
Wish i could find a set of those mags.That i could actualy afford...:sleepy:
*NEW* Factory 280ZX bra!
Does it keep the fenders from flopping?
Your opinion on this front air dam (sweet)
It does kinda remind me of Fast and the Furiouse....
Euro spec rear lights
Nope i know they wouldnt. I was just curious about what they looked like.
Euro spec rear lights
Thanks for the heads up Mr. C I think ill stick with the originals. None of you have a good left hand lense that will fit a 240 would you. I broke mine :stupid:
Your opinion on this front air dam (sweet)
It sure seems heavy. It looks great but it adds alot of waight.:tapemouth
Euro spec rear lights
Can someone post a pic of these. I might be interestead
July Fast Fours Mag
You guys sound like a bunch of old peapleROFL I didnt like the rims. They look to rice to me. But its his car after all. As yall have already pointed out.
Z on Ebay
Im with you two:sick:
Well they are teaching metric now. Its a heck of a lot easier.
What'd you get for Father's Day?
I didnt get anything for fathers day eather...I guess cuz im not a father . I ended up taking pops to a big swap meet. We found lots of new goodies we needed...No z stuff tho:sleepy: Just remmember all you kids that are reading this. It might seem like fun to be a father. But waight untill you and your spouse are ready. Life will be alot easier.
I did it, bought the 350
Im not sure about talking cars. But if one of you sees my z out cruzing around tell it to come home! ROFL