Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
240Z Front Bumper on Ebay
I think i could get one from like msa or someplace like that cheaper then paying shipping .
240Z Front Bumper on Ebay
Oh heck how much are you asking?
I wonder why we dont switch to metric to.:stupid: Oh yeah nothings ever easy to work on as long as its made here .
new parts
Try www.midwestz.com
Get your car on My Classiccar
Ok i guess you have to go directly to the site to upload pics.
Get your car on My Classiccar
They have a photo gallery that the post the top 5 or 10 pics of car for the week. Some of you might be interestead. The sight is www.myclassiccar.com. Here are the rules for entry **If you would like to see your car in the Photo Gallery, send a JPEG image (at least 5.5 inches wide at 72 dpi) of no more than 200 KB to MCC VIEWER SERVICES Include the year, make and model and the owner's name in the e-mail. We also ask that you don't doctor the photos - show us a nice picture! If you want to increase the chances that your car will be shown, tell us about it! Photos should be original works submitted with the knowledge and permission of the car's owner and must have no copyright restrictions. All submissions become the property of Bradley David Productions and My Classic Car Online, and may be reproduced at any time without compensation. Limit two photos per person. All photos will be posted in the order they are received. Due to the volume of submissions we receive it may be several months before posted.
240Z Front Bumper on Ebay
Id be interestead if you wernt so far away...
Can anyone identify this hole?
Sounds logical to me. Ive pulled apart two engine this year and both had that hole. Dont ask me.:stupid:
Im stumped.:stupid:
I did it, bought the 350
Oh brother now ive heard it all. How much did you pay for that toad anyway.
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Man im sorry Will. I didnt mean to give you stones Hope you get better soon man
240Z Front Bumper on Ebay
Gees i better stick to the salvage yards :tapemouth
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Will, have you had anything to drink latelyROFL Thanks fo the reply anyway. I didnt think so. A new member here pmed me asking if i still had a set. I didnt know. I want to meet the ex president. Lets see what would i do...maby back over him with the Z
They were using ccs in 1948 when the Tc model MG was running around. When it actualy started i have no clue:stupid:
Whats the difference Z or Zx
I could think of a thousand wankers around here . Ok back to this thread. Will 260 z door pannels fit a 80 zx? I dont think they will but im asking for someone else. Thanks
Your right you didnt ROFL
From the pics mine look like round tops. I will post a pic o them when i get a bat for the digi. Kmack i have been criticized for asking dumb questions. remmember i was wondering the common fusty spots in a z:stupid: total no brainer that day!
Mr.Matsuo was talking
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Well i been talking to one all day Just kidding Will. I dont know exactly :stupid:
Whats the difference Z or Zx
lolROFL I knew what he meant. If i was then i was to young to remember.:classic: Hope his berth place is about 100 miles from here. They have this stooped sighn out on the interstate that says berth place of president Bill Clinton. Now i wanna know witch lil prick wanted that. Probably the dope himselfROFL
Yeah mine are round tops im pretty sure. I didnt know the difference untill now thanks kmack. It is a L26 engine. So i guess the 260zs had round toppers on em. The motor that came with the trade has a bad block. The cylender walls are pitted somthing bad. I was given another motor that dodint have intake or carbs. Is a L26 from a 74. Im learning thease things just learning slow:stupid:
I was wondering.
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Or i can read it right here
I was wondering.
Sounds like you have a great jobROFL
I was wondering.
Thats fine Tex. Hows your doughter coming.