Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Opinions/Knowledge on Triple SU's
I would expet paying atleast 100 bucks. As far as power gose i wouldnt know. But they look great!
Ot poic but what the heck.
Im helping my brother out To make imense for somthing some of you may have heard about. Hes looking for a big block engine and 400 turbo auto trans. Cant pay much but will work something out. Prefer in southern area near Arkansas. Thanks in Advance Bill.
72 240z
Dude! 150 wouldnt evan cover the engine.
New, just have some questions.
The newer cars like the Vette that has 200 plus on the speedo are very capable of hitting that speed. However the on bourd computer has a chip in it, when the car reaches a certain speed the chip starts droping cilenders.
Lost Keys
Ive got the same problem with mine. I went to a nissan dealer just to see what they would do. The said a 71 what? So off the smithes i go .
Stinken theives strike again.
No i dont have the number. They found the stff this morning in a unused house. So i gues this is another dry run as far as catching them gose. Wll i went to town........
Stinken theives strike again.
Well as some of you may know i sold my 75 280z the other day. I didnt evan know about the other guy that bought the thang.(he bought it as a parts car) Well he got up this morning to find it stripped to nearly nothing. the theives evan got away with the fI L28 engine. only thing left is the shell and rear end. Atleast they are picking on someone else now If anyone sees any parts on ebay or whatever from A then give a shout.
Todays stupid question ;)
Put stands ubder it first. And scoch the tires
Todays stupid question ;)
Your talking to the wrong guy man i have no clue. But if the frame will still hold the car then it should work. (just buy life insurence firstLOL )
Todays stupid question ;)
If you have a floor jack why dont yo try the fram rails?
ot. oh man
She drove it about 1 1/2 miles home it was ok.I just changed it, nastiest looking crap poured out of that thing.
Favor in the Kennesaw Ga. area
Oh man i wish i would have read this post sooner. Thats only about 3 hrs from here. Oh well good luck finding a new one.
ot. oh man
Well it wasnt me atleast. Mom had her saturn today and poored atomatic trans fluid in the engine. Im no mechanic as far as fluids go. Can sombody say wether or not it will mess the engine up. Thanks.
Pic of my z, other car and house.
resealed engine?
You have to remove the timing cover to get to the front seal. You can do it with the engine still in the car but its a pain in the arse.
OT - Really bad riced up cars
resealed engine?
If im not mistaken it means its got new seals in it. Ive heard that saying before.
OT - Really bad riced up cars
That one is good. Ive seen zs in worse shape!
I am posting this more as an FYI for those who may be searching in the future.
dad got a filter once in a emergency. It was somkinda plubing filter i cant recall exactly. He put it on his truck as a fuel filter. Drove it that way for 6 years.
@#$%#$^% Tranny fill plug is stuck!!!
I dont know a single thang about the diff. But since you put the fluid in the tranny. Why dont you take it to that shop so they can get it out. Might save you some work later on. (just make sure they put it back in .)
I am posting this more as an FYI for those who may be searching in the future.
Sounds like a good idea. Ill have to check into that. To bad the depot doesnt seel head gaskets .
Z32 Tails on 240Z
I guess it could be kinda cool. I would have to see. There is one here with 280zx lights in it. wasnt bad but wasnt good eather.
- Hot Z
- Cool paint!