Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Education poll
Hey great poll and all. But you left out those of us that are still in high school
Finally painted
Thats a sweet ride. Cant waight to see the new pics
Bilramsey2002's Car
No it realy doesnt. Ill call it a 72. Heck evryone else does .
For the Z lover with everything
Its amazing how many peaple would buy that crap.
Bilramsey2002's Car
Ill have to look that one up havent seen it yet. Nissan might have flubbed it up .
Bilramsey2002's Car
SORRY! I cant type my bad . Im still learning about this car. Im not such a fast learner :stupid: rib me all you want. (Pounds head on desk)
Many 240Z Parts For Sale!!
What you cant sell dont send it to the crusher send it to me! ill pay shipping. my pockets are kinda emty this second. you should have the 5 for the glove box door tomarrow.
Bilramsey2002's Car
Title says 71. you got me:stupid:
Stinken theives strike again.
Tell me about it.
Bilramsey2002's Car
Oh brother leave it to my cars to get this thread started . It actually is a 71. (10?71) hls30-50735. I thought that the wheel might be from the 75 but wasnt sure. They both came from the same po. The blue one is missing the wheel and the blue paint on the wheel in the 71 is the same collour so i thought it might have came from there. My mistake. Yes its the one with the ilpine sticker on it. Its a pile i know but im trying with it.
Stinken theives strike again.
They would figure out away to get it off. My redneck unle used to work night shift. His house got robbed once a month for about eight monthes. He would nail the door shut and they would take a pry bar to get tthe nails out. Kids around here dont care about anythang. We built a fence last year and they cut the wire. We live on 20 acres good for atvs and bikes. they come mess stuff up every year. now they get to play with some noisy dogs. Dont know whitch one i hate more the theives or the barking all night .
fenders are stight
It was rear ended and pushed inot the car in front of it. acording to the po. it shouldnt be much longer and ill have it running.
Stinken theives strike again.
Well they cought the guys. Well they found there truck anyway. The police were able to trace the finger prints to some local thugs around here. Thats not evan the best part. The truck had a camper shell on it. And my Parts! Ive got everythang back but the straps. Now im off to make sure i keep the parts i got backLOL Nighbor gave me a bunch of chow puppies. And im upgradeing the locks and putting a better door on the shed. With motion sencer lights (the damn puppies will have it going haywire) Im just happy to have my stuff back!
what should i offer a guy for this 240?
Hey dont let this get you down It can be done. I mean look at my z in the gallory (the black one.) the inteiors ok the floors are gone. No engine or tranny. But i can work medal and weld. Ive got someone for paint. The trick is to get ready to have a heap in your yard for atleast a year while you track down parts.(and money) The peaple on this sight sell some pretty good parts at reasonable prices. It all comes down to what you want. If you want this z then buy it. But be prepaired to work on it for awhile.:classic:
Historic Rally Monte Carlo 2004
You guys are too old. Yall remember everythang.
Stinken theives strike again.
Thanks for yalls suport on this. The police said the only places they could get rid of this stuff is saling at the local pawn shop or at the auction.Or to some person. They have given discriptions to all parts carriers and second hand dealers in the area to whatch for this stuff. I dont understand this at all.There isnt that much of a market here for z cars. The heck with a stun gun. Im in Arkansas there lucky i didnt use a shot gun. I have a few of those handy .:devious:
Mystery Dash Clock
Well if you wernt drving like mad you wouldnt get those looksROFL Try oiling the tack. could that work.Or am i :stupid:
If the 240Z were a Woman...
You guys are crazy! To bad i cant think of anythangROFL
Stinken theives strike again.
My dog got ran over the other day:sleepy: the police found finger prints on the shed so it shouldnt be too long before i know something. This is realy starting to tick me off. Guy cant evan enjoy his cars anymore.
Stinken theives strike again.
Well about three weeks ago i posted the story of my car getting stripped. Well this time its different they got away. Heres what they got. One set gas tank straps. Oem windsheild gasket. A grill i bought off a nother member here. A good rear bumper for a 79 280zx. And a water pump from a l26.(didnt work anyway) We beleive they are the same peaple the tryed to rob me last time. They broke into the storage shed ruined the door in the process.:mad: And broke a quarter window for a 71 nova i had. If i ever catch these punks. Man there going to get it!
Totalled my 280Z... pictures inside....
Im not scared to buy from them. Infact ill end up getting some stuff from them before long . My nighbor has a 1948 TC model Mg he bought a set of carbs from them payed out the cuzoo. But never got em.
Totalled my 280Z... pictures inside....
Im already haveing girl friend trouble problems .After 11 monthes i get the boot. Oh well i better keeps the z hid . I know vb has them is there another company that caries fiberglass bumpers. Ive heard a few to many bad thangs about Vic Brit to shop there. I would but prefere not to. Of course im cheap.Why do you think ive got a 30 year old carROFL
Mystery Dash Clock
Hey with cars as fast as these who needs the clock to work wright!
Historic Rally Monte Carlo 2004
Who won anyway? What was he driven?:devious:
Good fun
Sounds like it was "that time of the month"ROFL