Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
UPS brings me new rubber.
oh boy! nvm Ed
- trivia
UPS brings me new rubber.
dang you Ed! how come you couldnt send that to me by upsROFL
Storing Z
concrete gets realy cold and thats bad on the battery. their are other reasons but i cant think of em right now.
who was the first white Amarican person born in the usa?
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
acording to the history channels show they did on the Z they say its the car that saved nissan. imo with the 350 its going do hill again:disappoin
Storing Z
take the tires off and put them in a black plastic bag and store em like up on a self or someplace were they wont be in the way and wont be in bright light. this prevents dryrotting
Help with timing markings
same on my airplane right before it hit a tree and broke:tapemouth
Painting Plastic Trim?
i donno the paint but if it has old paint on it the dawn soap and a sos pad will take it off. be carefull if you use this idea i messed up a good door panel for a 57 chevy once:tapemouth gees with the friendly peaple on here why whatch jerry springerLOL
Barrett-Jackson 240z
speaking of cars priced wrong. there this guy selling a toyota spider used with front end damage for 150 grand. gees why do ppl pay that much for cars(i could see that for a zROFL )
Who's is this?
what kinda motor is that anyway?
Being Easter and all...
thats a way to break a kid from easterLOL
Free hubcaps to good home
same here
Door Ding Preventive Strip
on my 71 there are screws between the black part of the trim and the chrome part. may not be stock on it but they are their.
72 bumpers on ebay
wish i had away to get those recromed.
Annual Pack and Ship Awards
got my voteLOL
It's alive !
hey thats a great looking ride. wish you happy motoring and lots of memories
Time for a new meaningless poll...
heck i would settle for a garage!:sleepy:
Exhaust Pipe problems!!!!
ha ha ha very funnyROFL
1976 Datsun truck parts
i know this is a little off topic but i have a 76 datsun truck that someone might be interestead in some parts from. about the only thang laft is interior parts and gages. its got a good 4 speed trans. a 4 cyl that need to be rebuilt. good glass. some linses. body is rusted and almost gone intirely. i think the seat is still good. steering well isnt in to bad shape. thought someone might want something off it before i haul it off to the crusher.(if i can make stay together long enough to get it there. pm me or email me: billramsey2002@yahoo.com
Exhaust Pipe problems!!!!
dont drive that way for long. the extra stress of the pipe can crack the manifold. then you have a mess.
lost keys.
yeah if mine ever gets out they would take the hole carROFL
Back of the Speedo
if im not mistaking thats the control thangy for the speedo. it has gears in it to drive the needle. i believe. but i could be wrong.
What's wrong with Automatics
that would be cool
OEM Windshield
Hey Vicky how much do they charge for windshields not that i can afford one right now anyway but it could give me somthing to shoot for.