Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
check this site out
well crap i cant get it to work
check this site out
here it is... www.wreckedExodics.com
Florida Z
it isnt much worse then the one im restoring! atleast that one already has a rebuilt engine i got to do that still. around here with the moisture we have your lucky to have a car left at all. (pics of my cars in profile)
well thats a little far. sorry bud (you pay for shipping ill sell it toROFL
i have a 75 280z not in the best of shape. where is pleasenton at? pm me and will talk
Free hubcaps to good home
hey ed ill take em if you still have em.
e-bay datsunz903?
nope if they want somthing bad enough they can out bid anyone.
engine parts
i spend a lot of time in tx. what are you asking for it. what part of texas are you in? well thats a dumb question i see austin ok.
floor boards and frame rails
im getting ready to change the floors in mine as well.
engine parts
looking for extra engine parts for l26 or l24 engine. any parts that are good or rebuildable. pm me please
Bubbles in oil
oil pump
air cleaner
hey i need a air cleaner i want the air box (i think thats the name) the stock cleaner for 71. i need the whole thang. ive got the bottom part that goes on the carbs but i donno how good it is. just pm me thanks
Z Music
yall keep in mind theres young peaple in here to . i dont evan know who half of those peaple are . whats it cost to make one of those anyway?
big trucks suck a$$
my nighbor has a zx got backed into by a gardage truck. bumbrs didnt help it anyROFL zs i have a couple spare hood i might could part with.
oeps, we did it again we drove a rally!
back in the fiftys thay had thos rallys here. but there was a driveer (i cant think of his name) any way he lost controll of his jag(i can remember the car .) he went into a house and it killed the family that was sitting at the dinner table, the driver and the machanic died as well. the congress band off track sports car racing shortly after. (so said the speed channel)
240z Battery
theres away you can tell for certain. unhook the radio, get the car running then park it for a few days. if the bat dont go dead again then you found your problem.
oeps, we did it again we drove a rally!
oh the poor car looking at it wants to make me ummm.......well...hummmm wait i got it. laugh! never realy liked porche(spelling) reminds me to much of VW
irl or cart?
i would like to see some of the other smaller series sports car races go back to owner driven cars. thats when racing was racing! (not that im old enough to remember it ) whatch em on speed all the time.
a few extra horses....
yeah get a hls30 and you wont have to do horsepower upgrades . j/k
Bubbles in oil
i dont wanna give you any bad thoughts but ive seen them bubles before. we pulled the head to change the gasket and dicover a crack in the block big enough to put a penny in. i hope this isnt your prob. good luck let us know how it turns out.
I stole it! Not really!!
thats cool. my 240 was givin to me cuz the guy thought it was a zx(although i have a lot of work to do on it.
oeps, we did it again we drove a rally!
not many pics of zs in there dang it.
irl or cart?
im a racing guy myself. never have really liked motorcycle racing all that much. my grandfather whatched a driver burn to death at Indy his seat was so close he could here the driver screaming. but ive seen a lot more passing and a lot more peaple contending to win races on circle track evants. i grew up around circle tracks. ive driven a dirk car or two.circle track racing is just as good as anythang else in my 2c.
irl or cart?
yeah i know what you mean. growing up around here circle track was the only racing i new about untill we got a sataliteROFL
parts and more parts
rusty .