Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
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z on a date?
. sounds funLOL but her dad (retired navy seal) would kill me:dead: but if you old peaple would have taken better care of the z cars then mine would be running alreadyROFL
z on a date?
my cars older then my gfROFL guess you guys are old no hard feelings just messing around
animated avitars slow net?
where did yall get those avatars? and how do you load em
web link
found this one it has a strange looking datsun on it www.dvap.com
animated avitars slow net?
i have only one prob with your avatar. it wont let me put a costom avatar on mine! if yall could tell me how it would be much apriciated.
z on a date?
sorry about that sblake01 just kidding. yall have it good my gf is a mustang fan. she cant see why i choose to have a 25+ year old car. but when i get it going she will come around.
who me?
z on a date?
hey guys. just up way to late tonight.(gf is out of town):sleepy: i was wondering what your dates(or wive for you old farts )thought of the z cars. peace out Bill
Don't know how to load my Z pictures
how do you take a pic from your gallary and make it a avator?
Best car or car chase
hey any action car movies are ok,well atleast most of em:sick: have you seen the chasewith Charlie Shein. thats a funny movie. no zs tho:cry:
71 Z Headlight Problem (left Light dim)
are the bulbs the same brand? i had (in moms van) one was a halogyn the other was some off brand. we changed the bulbs then didnt have any trouble.
Looking to buy a 280z
i dropped you a pm
paint schemes
hey guys and galls. im about ready to put the engine in my 71. and was wondering if anyone had some good ideas for paint schemes. i was thinking maby a realy dark purple with eather a silver or gold medel flake. so many choices! i cant make up my mind.
yeah im in the process of getting a good running engine with trans. and then this with the girl. yeah ive been blessed these last few days.
well i thank yall for your advice. but sometime last night she broke into a house and was cought by the owner. they took her to the station and put her in a syke word. guess i wont have to worry with that anymore.
Japan Grand Prix Grille Badge
how would a American come to get one of those?
Hill climb 1
Only in Santa Cruz...
wonder if they would get mad if i rented one brought it home and exchanged some parts
it depends on how the rest of the munth goes maby she will get the point if i tell her to bug off...again
Group buys, anyone?
yeah i could use some bushings myself.
yeah i told her i had a girl friend and she call threatening her. guess ill call the police in the morning. she doesnt mean a damn thang to me. i donno why i didnt think of calling the fuz already:stupid:
hey i was hoping to get some advice from yall old ppl . this is nothing to do with a z well not realy. im dating this girl and am very happy. but theres this other girl who wont leave me alone. dont get me wrong i cant stand her. she keeps begging me to go out with her. of course i wont do it. well on the other hand she is sycotic so says the doc.(why she tells me this i donno):stupid: anyway she has tried to kill her self twice saying it was becouse of me. what should i do? right off trying to help her kill herself that doesnt work
Body work resources?
im sixteen myself what im doing is sweeping the floor at the local classic auto body repair shop. you would be surprized how much you learn sweeping floors and whatching. ps. dont whatch to much your boss gets ticked