Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Planning on painting z and have some q's
let us know how it turns out when you get her painted.
Two 240zs for Sale in New Jersey
hey now nobody said you yankees got first dibs!
oh man
well i was taking the old tore up carpet out of my 71 when i came across this envolope. it had the name and adress of the PO. (i bought the car from a salvage yard) any way i was looking for some history on this thang so i looked the number up and called. and may i cotion other members not to do this! the po had died just sunday:cry: you talk about feeling bad. guess i wont get any info from her. but ill never do that again.
glovebox door
hey im looking for a glove box door with hinge for late 71 240. black if possible but i can paint it if i have to. isnt that the one with the 240z emblem on it?
check this out
im always looking for new sights about the z (this one always being the best) but the sight i posted had the best graffics ive found so far. i know what you mean i know a lot of peaple around here that wouldnt give the z the time of day. but at centerville draggway the el cominos and comaros and other muscle cars get dusted bye a friend of mine in his stock 76 so its pretty cool.
check this out
there now it works
check this out
i found this the other day and thought i might post it. www.geocities.com/~z-car/indexfl.html
My next project
early or late 240
hey im with you museums are a grave for cars basically. yeah most zeds are beautifull! but mine isnt so nice right this seck i would like to get it as close as posible. but im not that picky. oh bye the way hls: waiting for guys doesnt exactly get my pants in a bunch
early or late 240
gee was it something i said? no replies
early or late 240
hey this is another dumb question! When is the 71 consedered late or early year? mines made in oct but a lot of late 71 parts wont fit. ive been told that a few 72 parts will fit it but im still looking.:stupid:
Homemade Daytona Coupe!....
that is pretty zweet!
wah ur fav. z?!?!
personally i like the 71 240 the best. as far as stock or mod i want stock engine maby zx 5 speed tho. but like a spoiler with air dam and maby some louvers. but not to many mods. but over all the s30 is the best looking z their is no doubt:devious: im not a zx or a 2x2 guy. but i would take one if i got it at the right price:classic:
Dave (Pancho) & Ericka
parts and more parts
no some body beet you to it sorry dude
Ok, 240k here...
whats a 240 k anyway?
that sounds famillar
Parting out car and parts for sale
i know you said it was a 76 but you wouldnt happen to have a grill for a late 71 would you?
we are grilling now
its black i believe. but that stinks anyone know were i can get a 71 240 grill at? one a very tight budget
vicky ya got me again!
well your right it was thw dukes. the car was a 69 dodge charger R/t but we sirusly need some more trivia!
ok i got another one!(i think) what not so popular tv show fetered to red neck cousins? what was there names? what kinda car did they have? and what did they name it? this is a simple one but its all i can think of this sec!
when i said yall can do better i didnt expect to get stumpedROFL
well that went far . his perents hated him too! come on guys yall can think of something
anythang to make my fellow club members happy we need some more trivia. What was John Wayne real first name?