Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
still learning
no this ones on the side console but its more than likly the choke lever
still learning
thats what im thinking but i donno
Pushing it too hard..
yeah and just think of your wonderfull little z looking like that now do you? that would be a shame.
still learning
Hey all there is a little mettle lever or something that looks like one on my 71 its near the ash tray on the sinter of the console nearest the driver seat. can some body tell me what it is. yup i still feel dumb .
Stuck throttle
you need to reaset your idler i think thats what it sounds like to me
yeah i was planning on getting one. But them specs help alot i got a zx 5 speed to put behing it but itle be awhile before i get that far. thanks for your help!
I got a nother dumb ? For yall what size engine came in these? It came with the motor out of it but still intact but i a was a chevy guy till now dont know much about these thangs ill get it figured tho. but i really would like to know more about the engine. thanks.
well i basically got the car for free so im thrilled to here that! ill post picks as soon as it worms up a little more. thanks for the input Victor.
here are the numbers that are on it 1-0/71 his30-50735
my bad there vertical
i mean can tell me
see i cant evan spell dumb its got horrizontel lines in the deck lid ill go get the number and post it so mamy sombody cant tell me
i know this is a realy dum ??? for you guys but im a realy dum person never had any history with z cars before about a munth ago i just figured out last knight that it was a 240 last knight please post away to tell the years cuz im lost:love:stupid:
The cop I didn't see
thats a good one give my regards to the policeman then teach him a thang or to about cars
he all rong
hey i just got what i believe to be a 240 it came with compition sway bars front and rear and 5 speed trans hahahaha
he all rong
hey guys i know how this sounds but me and my little bother are haveing a argument he thinks z cars arnt worth the muney or the time to own one can yall give him some advice just post here
Engine won't start
yeah thats a pain we went through all that with that old truck gopod luck to you hope you get it figured out
Engine won't start
white smoke hummm it realy does sound like the head gasket its not hard to change just time consuming
some *punk* scratched my Z!
oh man sorry bout that catch the s o b a fix and key him
Pedal date Bingo
yeah i fingured thats what it was there horses back then didnt use pedles
Engine won't start
im not positive on this dad had an old datsun truck with a 6 in it it only ran till he got it home we tested everythang and the head gasket was blown i would try thatnext good luck to you hope you get it going
Pedal date Bingo
thats a old peddle
keeping your cool can save $$$
dangit he knew he forgot something
Christmas Poem, woven with Z cheer
het thats pretty cool merry christmas to all happy driven to!
260Z Radio bracket
ill go lock at my parts car but im not sure it sounds like it should have one as for the damaged basked i got a couple extra ill consider saleing