Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Just Got a '72 Z, Needs Some Work
congrats on getting a z.good luck on the resto hope all turns out good. if pait starts cracking or chipping its probly bondo
Interior 5
hey can somebody show me how to paint my 260 like the car on the home paige
ideas ideas ideas
the front bumber has a dent in it right in the center.i think i can fix it but it would be easeir to put a new bumper on. will a 240 bumper fit a 260?
depends on how these work ill just leave em on there but you got a tocoma so take them parts put em on your 72
doess your car have factory callipers or have you changed?
yeah this ones mest up from the filler cap back
well im wondering
i think ill just go with the 4 speed. the guy i got the truck from, his wife tried to kill her self and drove the thang off a bridge.so it has been full of water anyway.im not sure the 4 speed is in any better shap it came with the car. so i think ill take your advise.
yeah how much would cost to change the front discs out like you said
ideas ideas ideas
im not sure of the size of the spoiller. but i agree with the weels 15s are cooller
ideas ideas ideas
ive got the old basket style weels there 14s,and the spider web weels there 15s which should i go with like i said i just got it probly driven yall nuts asking qs all the time.i hope not but i need ideas
ideas ideas ideas
hummm i have a wrecked 240 with rear spoiller and window luvers should i put them on my 260 send me your ideas
well im wondering
the trans came out of a 73 datsun truck. i donno if thats how im going or not i might try it . ive got to 4 speeds and a automatic. lots of choices. i dont evan no if the 5 speed will fit i just got the car yesterday so im just comming up with ideas
well im wondering
thanks for the input. ill go put it in right now i wish. its going to be awhile yet i was just wondering.
cool i havent had the chance to drive it. im still working on it didnt know if drums would hold up. cuz my bro has a 69 elcomino the brakes were drums worked fine except the last time he drove it. thanks for input
well im wondering
!m wondering for my 260 i have a 5 speed trans. Would i have to recut the floor to make it work.
should i change the drums to discs on my 74 or just leave the drums on
well for what i paid for the hole car that aint bad
Interior 6
Interior 6
my 260 is in good shape,but has a lot of bondow in the right qurter panel. ive got a parts car should i just take the bondow out or change panels all together.
Totalled my 280Z... pictures inside....
sorry to here about the poor thang.hope you get her back on the road before long
I have a 260 ive been working on for awile but the interior is bad please post pics for ideas.
all cuz my dad
Well my dad is building a Anglia panle truck hot rod,and he was looking for a sports car suspension.Well he bought a 260z and well i was 15 at the time so you can do the math oh well he said i could have the body but he keeps suspension.Well im in the process of trading a 77 olds cutless for a 71 240 and 74 260 so i am hooked and its all dads fualt!
my 260 wanted to say HI
Hey your car looks really good.But you should think about getting new rims for it