Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Z's in the movies
Is their a place to buy the Wangan Midnight movie?
who gots balls
It depends on which truck I'm pulling it with
Is that really a big issue?
who gots balls
Man this is turning into a great place to meet women!
Sweet story: Guy reminisces over Z
Greasy car babes
Sweet story: Guy reminisces over Z
With that avatar of yours he was probably trying to test out more then the car
New MSA steering rack
I took mine to the local parts guy and he said that he could send it in for a rebuild. 2 weeks later i get it back with a note attached saying "unable to repair" So when i get the new Z home on Saturday I will begin going through it to see what it needs. If i need a new rack i Will go to MSA
Mystery Console Lever
I think that would be the antenna switch
Country Music
Well i don't, that's why i haven't posted. :classic:
Summer 07 issue of Nissan Sport
So just because I'm 19 means my opinion doesnt count?
Summer 07 issue of Nissan Sport
It came yesterday. My mistake i didn't get my mail until today.
Summer 07 issue of Nissan Sport
Got mine today. I will not be updating my subscription either. The only S30 article was about the project car. (witch i do enjoy reading about) But this mag has gone totally away from Classic z cars. If i wanted to read about new cars i would read car and driver.
"It's normal for SU's to need several seconds of cranking on cold starts, especially after sitting several days." Dave I'm not sure where you came up with this idea but... Mine has a electric pump. I let it sit for about a month between start ups and it hits on the first try. Just turn the key to the "on" position and wait for a few seconds pull the chokes and hit the switch you wont even hear the starter. Bill
Summer 07 issue of Nissan Sport
I havent received mine. But i dont no if my sub has expired or not....
Bang for the buck!
If you really want performance I'm sorry to say but you have bought the wrong car
Ditch the auto go with a mt swap
85 300zx parts
I think you can use the rear diff to. If the LF fender is any good i wiud take it from ya
Maaan am I embarassed...
I want a hayabusa so bad......
just wanted to see how old everyone is here?
Damn, it should be against the law for old farts to have Z cars. You should give yours to me pronto
Series I (VIN#15146) FS in Knoxville, TN
Looks like a good project, Wish i had some money....
Found #2802 rusting away in a field...
Shes been wrecked hard on the front.
Maaan am I embarassed...
You know what this means don't you? it means you excel in the art of douchebagetry
Where ya from
Why just the US?
Price for Almost PERFECT Rear Bumper
I got into a bidding war on a euro nos front bumper on eBay about a year ago. Bumper was still in factory packaging. I spent 325 for the bumper and shipping from Ct