Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Asking to much?
If it is as good as he says it is i would give that for it. ....If i had it to spend
Model kits
How much do you want for it
Model kits
Hey all, Ive been collecting model cars all life. But when I got into Z cars I had to start a Z colection. The problem is I cant find any 260s 280s (accasionally see one on ebay) Dose anyone know where I culd find them? I have every one exept those two and i would love o get them
Road Trip!
I sure hope you are ready to take resposibility for killing someone, driving that fast on the open road is for fools. Their are brave men and their are old men but their arnt many brave old men
Ok.. fess up which one...
maybe it could be changed back
Drums won't fit back on ....
I had the same problem. I ajusted them back in as far as they would go and the drums still would not fit. I got the drums turned and they fit as good as new.
June 2005 Crash
What 240Z Design elements would you like to see in the new Z?
its freaken ugly
Lil' Red Rocket
It's Xmas !!!!!!!!
Merry Christmass and happy holidays to all.
New Hot Wheels 240Z
Thanks for the heads up ill be looking around
My Z at rear of Classic Datsun Motorsports
On the road in Arizona
Nice to see you made it home safe. Patiently awaiting them pics
260z msa
240 & 260
Dellorto 40
cold weather = bad mileage?
My 04 dak is doing that as well....
Junkyard & "Out to Pasture" Zs
Cool Avatars
I get the same thing.
Junkyard & "Out to Pasture" Zs
Eric please take a look in my gallery...
Cool Avatars
If i was to hit it with a presher washer it would blow to pieces
Junkyard & "Out to Pasture" Zs
Its going to be cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey here:)
78 280z 2+2 door panel trim question
Not sure if they are available or not. But there is a silver tape you can buy that makes it look chrome. I believe MSA sales it.