Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Just bought Z #3, 1973
And it comes with a trailer hitch!
What are your favorite Quotes?
This thread is old. Could be fun to bring it back John J. Rambo: You know what you are. What you're made of. War is in your blood. Don't fight it. You didn't kill for your country. You killed for yourself. God's never gonna make that go away. When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing.
Argggg! More clutch help is needed!
Ok thanks Arne. You have been a huge help. I can make the metel bracket, as I have the hard line on the way in the mail and no parts car to get it from. Going to the u pul it in the morning. Their is a car there that has had all the lines cut. But I have been told the braket is still there. (Havent seen the car myself) PS. Got the shifter pin and bushing changed today. Took me 15 minutes tops. With the trans out of the car mind you. It feels good on the bench we will see what it fills like in the car.
Argggg! More clutch help is needed!
The mount that holds the hard line where it meets the flex line is it one on the rubber hooks that are bendable like the ones holding the wiring? My car has a loop down under the battery tray way back close to where the starter would go. Or is it something different?
A 1970 Z car approaches $30 grand!
Yeah I know some about the program but wasn't thinking I guess. If the new Z fails or is unpopular in some way, would that hurt the old Z cars value?
A 1970 Z car approaches $30 grand!
Sorry to interupt, but what exactly is a VZ car?
A 1970 Z car approaches $30 grand!
Their is a 68 Vette at a dealership not to far from here, its orange and primered. They want 20 thousand dollars for it. But its a big block car. Jags go for a fortune as well. I don't think the Z will ever be worth as much here in the U.S simply because it comes from Japan.
Quick photoshoot (240z & 510)
Awesome looking cars indeed.
Argggg! More clutch help is needed!
Thanks for your help Arne. Was going to put the engine in the car this weekend, but not looking like thats going to happen untill I find this line. Off to the pick n pull
Argggg! More clutch help is needed!
ok Thats a Big Help Arne. Now to find the line....
Argggg! More clutch help is needed!
Wow thanks. Where dose the short line go?
Argggg! More clutch help is needed!
Yea Arne I saw that article. I can take the rubber blocks from the other car if they are still their. The engine is out of the car ready to go in. I am getting tired of missing parts! What happened to the pic?
Argggg! More clutch help is needed!
I am parting out three of them. Two are Autos and somebody alreadt beet me to the other one.... Anyone have one they would spare?
Argggg! More clutch help is needed!
OK so I bought everything for the manual swap (or so I thought) I ordered the steel braided clutch hose from MSA and I thought that was all I needed. But I was wrong. Is there a metal line going from the clutch MC to the Slave? Or how dose this work? Is their a diagram someplace somebody could post for me? Dose anyone here have what I need to finish this?? Im going crazy here people! :paranoid: I am doing this myself and have know idea what I am doing. It has all gone great up to this point. Thanks in advance Bill
Sept. '08 Classic Motorsports Mag - Z content
Hastings will have it out next week.
this is beyond me.
Why dont you try buying a race car and learning to drive it on a closed track
Lil' gangbanger tried to steal my Z!!
Memphis Raines would be proud....
Future for the 240z
try www.hybridz.org They will be able to help you more.
Sept. '08 Classic Motorsports Mag - Z content
Its so sad that we get better Z related material From CM then we do Nissan Sport. Sport Z used to be the coolest mag, now its nothing but a new car commercial
How do I change diff fluid when...
If you can get the wrench on the bolt, try tapping the wrench with a hammer. Not to hard but the force will loosen the bolt so that you can turn it the rest of the way out.
Help with 280z hood
You might want to try the "search" function on this website. Lots of good ideas. Bill
Sneak peak of the 2009 370Z
It will still be ugly and slow.....
Looking for a few interior parts....
I have a few auto shift habdles. Make me an offer.
What's your idea of a Poker Run?
Hang on! Is it strip poker?
Finally, my Twice Pipes exhuast system is installed.. but problems.. Pics inside
Are yall having trouble out of the header or the whole system? How does the header fit? I ordered a 3-2 header and I'm nervous as to how it will fit.