Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Hope you southern Z'ers are enjoying the weather
In the mid 40s here bracing for the white stuff anyday now
Filler on roof........normal?
My car had bondo in a feiw places in the roof too. But it was also wrecked really hard so its not the best gage. I took the bonda out but their was no damage underneath. I was silver then red then blue then brown. 4 coats
Hey somebody want to help me out?
Hey no prob my uncles in the air force
Hey somebody want to help me out?
Ok i must have been over the top asking for that wonderfull Z car. Hear is this one instead http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Aston-Martin-2-4S-INTL-ASTON-MARTIN-NOT-MG-TRIUMPH-JAGUAR-BUGATTI_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ5358QQitemZ4592956611QQrdZ1QQtcZphoto
Opinion time: How would I have fared?
Ok first of all, air bags do way more harm then good. I was just in a wreck i am thankfull i maid it through. I was ok then the air bag busted my lip and smashed my hand. Not to mention the black eye. Now that im off that rant. You probably wouldnt get a thousand dollers for the Z given its age. Plus its a Z for crying out loud! I think you did ok you are typing arnt you
This some kind of backyard head improvement?
Mike alot of thease folks dont think that way...
My 1st time at the track
one word sums it up. Awsome!
Is 2 better than 1
my 260 had one...
Hey somebody want to help me out?
awww come on ill shovel snow or maw your lawn for ya
Is 2 better than 1
all the ones ive seen have only had one as well. Do you have any pics?
Hey somebody want to help me out?
I found this beauty searching ebay. But with the new truck payment my account is kinda low Love this car just need somebody to pic up the tab. I MIGHT let you drive it to! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-240Z-Datsun-Nissan-240z-0-Rust-Great-Cond-Black-w-White-int_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6187QQitemZ4590864181QQrdZ1QQtcZphoto
Did some threads get erased?
Geee why dont we rename this site to classic boobs and datsun cars.com
Totalled my driver. Pics
Nope not a Z Couldnt make a 400+ car payment every month. Got a 04 Dakota. 3.7 magnam. I love it but wanted a pathfinder
Bad Compression on #1
Hey Zack. Where in Little Rock do you buy it? Did they have anymore? It sounds like a valve to my also
Totalled my driver. Pics
Yup Steph. I think you are right. Finally got a new ride!
Totalled my driver. Pics
No Rick, just dirty (the windows leaked)
anyone need a winter beater?
I would take it. But your to far away
Totalled my driver. Pics
My lower back is actauly what has been bothering me. Everytime i bend down to pick up something it hurts like hell. When i bend to tie my shoe its hard to get back up. Doc says have a pinched nerve
Totalled my driver. Pics
Settlement for the car, $2,500. I woundnt pay that for it off a lot with 281,000 miles on it. They are still looking at medical and the days i missed from work
One more dreamer???????????
I kinda like it, minus the wing that is
Wild looking gt2 280z
That is wild looking!
BB v8tt 280z
Im glad it was a Zx instead of a 70 Z. Why do peaple do thease things?
240K Front Left 3qtr
Bluesy '73
Datsun vs. Chevy
You can compare a camaro to a Z, Thats just zainy!