Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Will ya miss me ????
Who me? Well email me the pics man...
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Hey got mad a left. I dont think hes coming back
Will ya miss me ????
Ok what dose this have to do with goings on around here? The croud can be just as entertaining as the race man!
What are your favorite Quotes?
Ok i cant figure out why that is a link
What are your favorite Quotes?
Got that movie. Kinda weird! Aint no Business like Ho business-Bill Ramsey
What are your favorite Quotes?
"If it aint broke, don't fix it". My dad lives by that one
Will ya miss me ????
Hey are you calling me dumb?
280zx 4x4
I have seen a 70 240 like that. It hurts
No caption
Dr Drift
Red Z4
Daikoku parking lot, 4
RBZ - Front On Early
Zs by the Bay Event
Me in Z
2003 Z Nationals Brisbane
Sagamiko 2004-069R
Fun_in_my_z commented on HS30-H's comment on a gallery image in 04 Sagamiko meeting - Club S30 & S30 Owners Club of Japan
1973 sales broc
my new wheels
Terry Taylor 240Z EP Runoffs '05
rear view