Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
"World's worst interior" or "How to get a good deal on a Z"
Shot from rear
Please help me find this
Im going to bite the bullet i guess. Im looking at the bumper Vb sells. Has anyone tried thease? Part number 99-022 They are asking 400 bucks for it, i wanna get some feed back first Thanks Bill
Kinda Stranded At School.
Its sounds more like a pic up problem
Last week, on my way to work...
A chevelle is not really a speedy car. Evan with a 396. I would put my l28 240Z up against one.
Kinda Stranded At School.
Will the car run at all? You can hot wire the pump to get you home. But i am not sure on how this is done
What are your favorite Quotes?
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)
Hows this look?
Stripes dont work on a Z
What are your favorite Quotes?
I like that one G
Acetone in your gas!!!
zhes going to load her car up with it and have a ex
"Free" MP3 Players???
I tried one they wanted my social number.
Last week, on my way to work...
Damn a 502? That thing will get worse economy then a H2!
THANKS for all of your help
glad some one helped you. Post some pics man!
Anyone seen this engine yet
Wish i had the cash, i would buy it. Dont really have a need for it. But i do have a shell i could put together...
Anyone seen this engine yet
shipping would kill you
What are your favorite Quotes?
I know its off topic here guys, But i was wondering what some of your fav quotes are? Im doing a paper for school and thought this would be a cool way for everyone here to get to know each other better. Now i know....im going to get flogged but hey i think its a cool idea so lets have em!
I found "The One" for me! - Pictures
Electric pump.
Young Z Lover
Nahhh thats what we are hear for. Welcome abourd. You want to complete your profile so we know where you are from. And give us some pics dammit!
Please help me find this
dose anyone know if a Nissan dealer would still caryy them? Bill
Got my new engine in my Buick T Type
I want to see you put it in a older buick. That would be a ride!
Please help me find this
Nahhh blaze orange!
I found "The One" for me! - Pictures
their is one under the car by the E.P.
No caption