Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Low Oil Pressure
Ive got a l28 and no oil pressure. It got a after market guage. But it only reads at 5 psi. When idling and the vlaves clatter. Sending unit and oil pump are on the way.
What kills/deters spiders? (in the garage)
poop thats size would kill you and your car from the air
Freaky Drift, drag, autocross 300zx on eBay
He left his crack pipe sticking through the hood.
What kills/deters spiders? (in the garage)
spiders like cool dark moist places. Set up spot light and a furness. If it dont kill the spiders itle kill your wallet.
Original Zcar Concept Sketches
Cleaning out the garage...
I would love to have them. Ill have to whatch this auction
Nathan and HIN Model
corkscrew was a dream!
Happy Birthday, Me!
Happy bday
So what does your Z sound like!?
It worked for me and im not. Nice show tho.
listen to my exhaust note
I love your car, want to trade?
listen to my exhaust note
Thats Zweet!
Now their is a couple with everything.
Hit and run.
Its a felony to. The kids here with their atvs have drag races in peoples front yards and they dont evan come ou here...i live outside city limits and the county cops dont care
New Poll of the month June 05
If Nissan seen my car they would pay me to hide it...
Hit and run.
Yes their was a witness..I was mad when i posted this thread. I called the police but they wont do anything like usaul...my dad knows the owner of the company. Taking it to get a damage estimate.. Itas not all that bad, the foot step on the truck cought the side just behind the headlight. long gash all the way down. Im lucky the truck itself didnt hit me or i would be road kill. Now i ether need a bunch of parts really fast for the z or im bumming a ride in the morning while the saturns at the shop.
Hit and run.
Well on my way homew from work today a garbage truck side swiped my saturn...Actually my grandfathers saturn. He slowed stuck his head out the sindow and laughed at me. :mad: Ill be waiting for him tommorow :dead:
Wheels that will fit Zeds
All you need is my purple hat for them wheels
Last week, on my way to work...
I thought it was going to be another one of them storys...
Moron epidemic?
When i ordered my front calipers the parts place said they would be in the next morning. I went in and the blonde that took my order the first day gave me a funny look...she said she didnt know i wanted to order them. I didnt say what i was thinking but might should have!
Hey another young member! Least theirs more of us here without grey hair...or balding that is.....(aimed at Rick down in Aus) Where are ya from man? Nice to have ya aboard.
baby got new plates
Loose the mustang man....like thew plates tho
Antenna restoration and other misc. stereo fixes.
v12horse i have one. Let me dig it out.
HID headlights
yup i dont drive it much anytime espeacially at night!. Thanks man