Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Hey Bill, Here's Something For You!
I emailed him...last thing i need another damn parts car...
I need to come clean
Guy gose to work for a feiw hrs. and see what he misses? Aint ya worried about staining it? im mean the shirts are white after all
f#ck this sh#ts me............
Somebody call a doctor his heart might stop...
Chrome Rewinds
Yep im planning on that...just doing some shopping.
Chrome Rewinds
http://www.zcarparts.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=25-1059&Category_Code=WWC19 Well i found thease...but im not asure thease are what i want...to many choices
Chrome Rewinds
Yup food for thought. In my neck of the woods i could make a exact copy of any z here and nobody would know....but i dont wanna do that...All the zs here are eather 260s or v8s.
Chrome Rewinds
What is the difference between them?
Chrome Rewinds
Hey every one. My goal is to have my car in primer by the end of this summer. Only a little bit left to go! I really want different rims for my baby when she is ready for paint. I looked at msa and a feiw other places. Can somebody point me into the correct direction? or give me some info on thease? http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=14761&sort=&page=9&sortby=&sorttime=&sortdir= I am open for somebodys input on diff wheels im shopping!
f#ck this sh#ts me............
If you dont have time to answer a question then why come here?
f#ck this sh#ts me............
Carl the bad thing about that is you got a point!
f#ck this sh#ts me............
'I agree with TomoHawk on this one. Only I dont see any thing wrong wit the boob thread, to me if people dont like do go there, dont. The search is important and seems to be difficult to locate information. What bothers me on posting on old , old threads is when the discussion is completed and it is months old and some one post a further question insted of starting a new thread. If when reading a old thread sparks a need for information on the topic. Start a new thread and ask. Digging up a 4 or 6 page thread on adjusting valves , that mabey 6 mo or a year old and wanting clearity , this is what I mean. My 3cts. Gary" Isnt everyone tired of having threads to read....seems that way reeding this one...
f#ck this sh#ts me............
"Suggesting the use of the SEARCH function is great advice and shouldn't be viewed so negatively (in all cases). Teaching someone to help themselves is infinitely more valuable than holding their hand every day for the rest of their life." If you did that in todays world nodody would know how to do anything lmao
f#ck this sh#ts me............
Alex is right on this one. If your going to get mad when somebody asks a question then what is the point of this club?
Supercharger on a 280Z
Lay it on him brother! Wouldnt you have to go with a higher compression block for a turbo? If that be the case then find a ZX.
locked out........
Hammer and a pillow?
Dump that girlfriend!
I seen carl on their infront of the comp
free sportz magazines
Geeee take a breath guys im gone for a fiew hrs. And just look what happens...Send me more sport Z! I dont mind the 350 but my s30 will still be in the....insert location....long after the 350 has bit the dust
72 240z just purchased
Try napa or autozone for the brake lines. Nice to see so many new member here welcome abourd
free sportz magazines
I want em...
side door glass help
Must read post better! I thought you were looking for z glass. Man i need sleep
Production of 260Z 2+2
Run a google search you would be surprised by what ya would find
cheapest way to get a air dam
I got one that came on a car i paid 50 bucks for....I got another on a car i got for free but you can have that one
cheapest way to get a air dam
Where are you located....I got one ill sell ya
climbing on the roof
possible wet cap!
Let it run at idle for awhile so it will burn off the moisture