Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Your birthday car
no great looking cars for 87
Well Damn
*Were you driving the Z?* Well duh aint nothing else fun to go fast in Escanlon, I do not hate cops...actualy i think it would be a cool job to have. I know i said it but i was just venting a little
Well Damn
I got this new job as most of you know. Getting my first pay check friday the 26th. I was planning to buy a new M.C for my , But NO! Everyone can start laughing now..... 62 in a 45.........court date may 19th.. I dont much like cops :tapemouth :mad:
Hey fellow Z nuts ;-)
*Immature KIDS * Man did you come to the right place! Look at my avator.....no immaturity here! Welcome abourd
New tach and Alpine Deck
i wish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi All, new member here.
Gee Stephen He said it was a 75 280Z lmao Welcome aboard mate
Some cool Speed trivia
Becouse its faster
Some cool Speed trivia
Yup..........that top fueler better hope he dont encounter a Z tho
Faithfull brotherhood of all that is Z, guid me in my moment of temptation!
I had a blue 75 280.. wasnt nothing but a eye sore and bondo, didnt evan run! But now looking back at it....i coulda used alot of them parts on the other z...
240z vs 280z
The 240 is worth more money...its alot lighter to...im not the smartest guy here on this.. I have a 240 with L28
Need help to ID Fairlady / engine blocks/ heads
The question is whas the yellow thing in the pick bye the heads? looks like something else....
Need help to ID Fairlady / engine blocks/ heads
Didnt mean to sound like i was jumping ya man
Need help to ID Fairlady / engine blocks/ heads
very intelagent answer...did it take ya long to get that
Need help to ID Fairlady / engine blocks/ heads
Where are the two zs at?
240Z with 502 big block
Wow is that true?
240Z with 502 big block
You guys are right...but beandip didnt have to be so rude eather
What does this thing do?
Ive seen one b4.....dont know what it is tho
240Z with 502 big block
74 would be a 260
March Poll of the Month
March Poll of the Month
Will, i will change diapers for parts!
OZOC lineup
Who WENT to Z Fest?
Wish i could make it to one of the big shows..we have two small Z clubs here, One of them are not active. One day maybe i can...hopefully Ole Rusty will be ready to go to!
March Poll of the Month
I want to add a fiew things to mine...Did i mention i will work for parts?
Whats your cars theme??
Mine is a Z, im happy with that.