Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Do you guys remember this scene?
You need to get a life....
Boyd Coddington
I didnt watch the show because i could not stand him. But prayers to his family for their loss...
Dotsun problems
Technically that's thirds......
Dotsun problems
Wick Humble
Get a Chilton's Manuel for starters.
Ok i got it now 1985 300zx turbo
Pics in my gallery
Ok i got it now 1985 300zx turbo
You wanna buy one?
Z Ink (Look what I did!!!!)
This is an old thread, thaught i might see if anyone had any new tats to share. Thinking I might get one.
V8 or better Carb's??
The only way to get v 8 power is from a v8. www.hybridz.org
Texas people great deal on a 73 240z
So sell the wife and buy the car...:stupid:
Potential purchace, good idea?
Without pics we wont be able to tell
you're getting old if u remember....
Heard of party line and have a wringer washer (non working) but dont know what butch wax is
you're getting old if u remember....
I am 20, my dads truck has both the floor dimmer and the dash ignition. We have a drive in, and the sonic has juke boxes....
Help me spec an engine
The other half of the posts will tell you to check out www.hybridz.org
Best car cover for an early Z?
I doubt a car cover would protect from a handle bar.....
I seen the General Lee today !
the opriginal GL was a 1968....
Poor #299: Not for the feint of heart!
You might not even be able to get it with the dolly, I would use a trailer. If I had the money I would go and get it.
Is this a crankshaft?
Yes it it. It probably goes to a ship or a large generator.
Look at this thing!
It sorta looks like an anglia
Who has a set of these?
I do. Does anyone want them? http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=25606&cat=500&ppuser=5338
Best song ever?
Old Race Cars on eBay
I think it is a dirt track car.
Poor #299: Not for the feint of heart!
If it were closer i would buy it....
new z
Has the owner noticed its missing yet?
Renewed Z Car Owner
Welcome aboard. Good luck with your new car, and please post some pics