Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Who are the worst drivers?
Whats that got to do with screw drivers!
Who are the worst drivers?
screw drivers!
What kind of fundraiser merchandise would you buy?
Yeah yeah yea....ill remember that when i get this next car in...it might have a shifter plate! lmao
What kind of fundraiser merchandise would you buy?
i had to look inacent....
How did you find us?
My temporary member mugshot
What kind of fundraiser merchandise would you buy?
i wouldnt mind a key ring or plate frame. But i got to put th ar together first
Sex or Z?
With anyluck ill be to dead to care what ill be in 10 to 20 years...But most likely not....so ill be rotting away with the z
- How Old?
- To much?
- Fast z 2
Realy fast z.
Three of the 4 classic zs
- Gold 76 wasnt so bad for a 2 2
- This 73 had triple webers
Black Pearl Paint
Whats wrong with my paint and pork products?
Sex or Z?
Quick drive? Thats your problem man lmao
Sex or Z?
You would bend the hood
Stoopid question
Ahhh crud i was afraid you would say that....
Stoopid question
Thanks for the info guys... The car only idles between 5 and 7 hundred rpms....guess im going to buy the video was planing to anyway...
Stoopid question
Oh well. No it only dose it when idling. If im stoped at a light it idles so rough the whole car sits their shaking. But if i choke it a little then it stops. If its not warmed up it dies if not joked. Havent done anything but put knew valve cover gasket and tune up. Guess ill start looking for leeks. It runs great when not idling. How much oil is suposed to be in their anyway?