Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Model kits
Ive got the revell one. And a diecast thats purdy cool. Where exactly did you get thease?
anyone got one of these?
Its suposed to measure valocity or something like that...i dont know if i would trust it.
Engine vin# is different the car vin#
Mines got a l28 and i told em that..they still didnt check it.
Video: OS Giken TC16-MA2 and a LY-240Z racing
Looks like a awsome motor.
Engine vin# is different the car vin#
No it shouldnt be a problem...here they didnt evan check the engine Vin
National Z Convention Car Show 2004
280Z turbo
- How Old?
Ever drive/own a 300ZX Turbo?
Yup i know the feeling...my dads got a hot rod hes build..ontop of helping me and my brothers build ours.
Ever drive/own a 300ZX Turbo?
Actualy i was thinking engine swap.....but i dont wanna part with the L28 in the 72...it runs to damn good. My yards starting to look like a parking lot as it is. The youngest brother is dragging in a 65 mustang this weekend. Guesss you guys are right.
Ever drive/own a 300ZX Turbo?
Im going to test drive a 300zx TT sometime this next week. Guy wants 500 for it. Says it has straight body with all glass and a 5 speed. Anyone want to loan me some cash?
Home made bumpers?
Man you sure sure know how to make a man feel dumb .
BEST OF- 2004 et al
The top ten thingy aint working. My guess is Boobs And trivia.
Home made bumpers?
My brakes are shot!
Home made bumpers?
I knew somebody would say that
Old Nissan Cedric
Ive never seen one of those exept in pick...i guess she is a rare bird
Old Nissan Cedric
Thats the ugliest thing ive ever seen! Thanks for the pics tho.
How Old?
Yeah well dont overestimate me. Im still a crazy teenager!
Home made bumpers?
Hey i was wondering just out of curiousity has someone made their own set of bumers? I had a idea, maybe somebody could take a set of bumpers and use em as like a press to bend aliminum or stainless steele into new bumpers. Then you would have rust proof bumpers, and matyber they would be cheaper then buying new ones. Has anyone tried this? Or is anyone interestead in trying this? Anyone have any ideas? Thanks Bill
TEAM BRE acrylic on canvas
How Old?
Well guys think of it like this. The best thing that can happen to you is getting old, Think about the alternative.
another barn car
My car has no warts..Just holes Wish i lived in cali...i would take the engine and suspension from ole brownie and swap em over. :devious:
Video: what my Z would dream about
Thats awsome.