Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
My 72 Side
Its got a dent in the querter on the other side. And a broken windshield. But the bottom of it is nearly gone. It could be brought back I have the parts. But time and money is going to be the deciding factor.
Opinion From The Experts
Enough cars? What are you nuts?
72 interior.
72 Passenger Door
Ebay Description
Well only three are Zs. The others are junk that we drag home to get out of peaples yards. Now there in ours!
Yeah the lousy sob nearly paid me to take it . Just kidding Chris. Thanks alot. Ive gotten atached to the old rust bucket!
Final Results 2004, and thanks for everyone's help
Great to here. Hope to here the same thing next season!
mesh grill on ebay with a BIN!
Do the tose come with it?
Wall Street Car Article - Barracuda Price!
Evan if i could afford it no car is worth that. Sept maby the Zs.
&2 engine other side
- 72 engine.
72 interior.
72 Passenger Door
Alot of bondo in the bodom of it. Window doesnt work so good. Most likly a replacement will be put on.
72 front
- 72 left side.
72 rear
- My 72 Side
Email Notification Not Working???
I only get about half of the emails notifications...Maby its got bugs
Ebay Description
Come on guys lighten up . I mean if we were that dumb we wouldnt want ppl making fun of us (coughes what am i saying?) Dumb arse! I only got 23 cars in storage around my place. ChrisA that could have saved you from having to have that permit to keep it outside or whatever it was .
Me and my new baby.
Thats what i ment . sence the new valve. The back brakes worked better, But the right side has gone away. It works it just takes its sweet time. Im going to try the front ones first. We are going to try ajusting the back ones, and putting new pads on.
cleaning out garage, engine and trans, etc
I donno, the z is fun to drive! But i think i could find what a need around here before i could aford to go 400,000 miles out of the way for some interior peices. .
Sagamiko 2004 071R
Fun_in_my_z commented on HS30-H's comment on a gallery image in 04 Sagamiko meeting - Club S30 & S30 Owners Club of Japan
cleaning out garage, engine and trans, etc
What other bits do you have?