Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
US Forumla1 GP
I didnt see it eather i was working on the z at the time.:classic: It sounds like this could get very interesting.:devious:
1980 280ZX For Sale
You wouldnt get rid of just the rims would you?
My Daughter
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Tex. I hope everything gose well for you and your family
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Oh come on Will! Dont look at me i aint old enough to vote!
Ferrari 575 and 240z
ROFL . Put that ferrari on a tight twisty course where handleing matters over speed. Then Bing Him On!:devious: Not saying i would win ...most likely i wouldnt.:classic: But i never can resist a challenge:devious:
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Gee wiz i leave for two seconds and look what happens. Carl i wasnt meaning to sound pissed or something. I just dont wanna get into another arguement. No harm done i hope. Bush isnt the worst weve had buy far. Look at Clinton. that man got more then i care to imagine! I was thinking Matallic blue with a silver metel flake. That would sparkle at night. And you know what they say about girls and there attractions to little blue sports cars.:devious: (Sinces pun in my future)
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Gees carl you didnt scare me away! just messing around . Bush could do a little more.
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Im done with this thread.
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Thanks alot Will. Now ive got another color to think about!:devious:
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Well ive been cleaning and salvaging. But i cant strip paint cuz i dont have a shop and without paint it will rust further. But i am getting a start. Ive got a new hood and switches for it. Getting engine gaskets this week. the heads are getting rebuilt next week Hopefully. Can you post a link or pic of the porsche color? thanks Will.
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Im thinking between three colors for mine. The original comp oringe. ferrari red. Or metalic blue. havent made up my mind yet. The reason im sitting here is cuz it takes money to build a car. and i dontget paid untill thursday.
What'd you get for Father's Day?
Man Tex I hope she pulls though ok. You and your family are in my prayers.
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Heck Will you got me Ok Ok God bless old peaple.(and us young ones that still make bad mistakes) Im cheerfull just sitting here bored out of my gord.:classic: No hard Feelling i hope Will
Ferrari 575 and 240z
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
No not wasted were still cleaning up your messesROFL
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Hey whats wrong with being young anyway?
Useless info.
Id forgotten that one Also gives the marshens somthing to shoot at. just follow the glare! I better shut up now. My dads the only member of the family besides us kids that isnt going bald. But his is turning white, At forty! Guess being married with kids like me will do it to youROFL
280z with 350z headlights...
As some has said. For a change. Let’s do it the other way around. Grab a 350 and put the 240 lights on it!!! That would be fun. Exept for stripping the 240:cry:
Useless info.
Well they figure that since the no hair type didnt fit in, they had to much rage to test Do to not having any hair at all. Kinda like Will. Peaple driving get blinded be the reflection on top of there heads and it couses more wrecksROFL Just kidding Will. I dont evan know if your bald or not:stupid:
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Great site michael. I like the 115 mattalic blue.
What'd you get for Father's Day?
Yeah happy fathers day to all you old farts. I took dad to a swap meet .
Useless info.
Are you sure you want to admit it . Maby i should start looking for a blonde. :devious: (not like i wasnt alreadyROFL
July Fast Fours Mag
Thats a neat mag.
Z Accesories on E-Bay
Man i wished you lived in the USA..:sleepy: