Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Chevy 240Z
this is awsome!
thats zweet!
ok hls keep your fantassies to your self j/k
trans swap
hey im woundering would a 5 speed trans from a 83 280zx fit a 71 240? if so what would i have to change.
center console
thanks vic.
center console
im in need of a center console for a late 1971 240z. lots of 260 and 280 parts to trade.
isnt it some kinda weather protection?
well im young and flexible but its just to dang cold! oh well as you can see by my pics those holes are the least of my probs right now .
im not sure who said it. but isnt the (i trust you ,its the devil inside i dont trust.) isnt that from the devils advacat? or however you spell it .
Help, 280 dies for a sec. under a load
i know you said you rebuilt the distributer but i talked to my dad about hes a mechanic. he says it sounds like the points. you may want to try that he knows what hes talking about (sometimes) .
yeah and just look how much better thangs were before they made computers. there vehicles got better milege and no won ever complained about fuel shortages . at least they didnt complain when you fed em .
your day of birth
that seconds thang makes me feel old
someone put some time in.
that shows a lot of how good our cars are. using them to sub for a ferrari. i have heard a lot of peaple say them ferraris arnt worth the money you pay for em. cuz there trans never hold up. but the way i see it, if a z is good enough to sub as a ferrari then why not just get a z?
ok ok ok im not the smartest cracker in the box when it comes to zeds. kinda new to this. and yeah you got me . guess i had that comming asking dumb qs like that . the 280 in my gallary has only slight floor board rust. but the hatch was left open before i got it and the rear end is all gone in the thang.
floor board rust
nahh i dont need pics i dont think thanks anyhow. uncle owns a welding shop. he says he'll make me some panels but i donno if i trust him that well or not . my z is my baby, theres very few that touch it without me standing right there. guess thats kinda crazy.
floor board rust
yeah i should have known thar i guess. ive read that before now i recall it .
parts and more parts
hey wolf i dropped you a pm. prox im sorry to say i dont have the front bumper to this car it was gone when i got it .
floor board rust
hey,there are large rusted through holes in poth floor boards in my 71 .and a very small part behind the passenger seat. are these common areas for rut in these cars?
beets the heck out of me . donno about the 73s
in Bruce Almighty Jim drove a 280z
well lets see if you guys can get this one. who won the first ever Daytona 500?
parts and more parts
the 260 i have is totally been stripped of the insides the 280 is riped fairly bad. if yours just has a small rip in it then you can sew it back up or take it somewear else.
oh thats cool! never would have guessed that.