Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
parts 2
help with pics
hey i finally got my pics taken but they wont load on this site it keeps saying that its waiting for aproval.will they come up or do i have to do something else i dont have a clue. please post instructions.
- parts 2
- inside needs work 1
- needs work 2
- parts 1
- needs work 1
ad ones
well that went over like a lead baloon
I am now Z less
hey if they cant id him from that hill try it again i bet.My cousin is a deputy sherif in little rock.he says when this happens it gives them a trail to follow.so just maby.keep your fingers crossed vic they will get him.
OK, I'm mad now......
thats what ive been wondering we do have limits here dont we. maby thats why i keep getting them tickets nahh but really truthfully us z nuts are kinda over kill for that matter but it could come in handy for talgaters or for showing up some ricer
My Car at MSA
Bryan & 71 240Z
ad ones
hey guys another dumb q for ya. my 71 when i got it had a rear spoiler and louvers plus somekinda side trim and a front are dam are these standard? i havent seen another z with all this stuff!hope fulfully ill have some pics before to long. its clear i dont know much about z cars but im learning. thanks.
OK, I'm mad now......
i didnt evan know they recalled it personalyy i wouldnt own one any way
I am now Z less
yeah chin up vic they may have noticed a bad spot in the paint and decided to get it fixed for you. hey it could happen . serriosly every one here is wishing you lots of luck hope you get it back soon.
OK, I'm mad now......
beware! those dodge srts are worthless i know a guy that bought a brand new one this year. it had the new himi in it. he hooked you to his tralor and and 1921 model a. the spark plugs came out of the motor and straight through the hood. it had a full warrenty on it straight from dodge and the wouldnt fix it. those dodges aint worth it. just my word
all cuz my dad
and some say dads are worthless. my dad is a paint in the arss but then again i guess i doo owe him a thanks he got me into z cars. the bsa [boy scouts of America] were im not far from getting my eagle[highest rank]. he also insisted on me going on this crazy trip with my mom. and i ended up meetting the love of my life. now if only i can get her convenced the z is a better sports car then a mustang! oh well wemon what can you do? thanks dad!
I am now Z less
please keep us posted on the latest
Jan-Einar Krakevik's Ride
Headliner fall out
ive got the same brob in my 71. but its vinal
for keeps
oops sorry about all the typos
for keeps
hey guys this is one z nut speaking in disspair it seems as tho you cant enan own a car without someone taking it away from you.so everyone please keep your eyes open. if you have a she to put your car is then lock it. if you have a dog trane him. And is you catch some punk with your ride beat the $h!t out of em. we got to take a stand.
I am now Z less
hey vic everyone is pulling for you hope you get it bck better then she was when she left
I am now Z less
dude thats just wrong hope you get it back wish i could help you. ps. kill them fags