Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
dropped an L28 and 5 speed into my '96 infiniti....
Only you Bill. Only You
Where are the women?
Only you Bill. Only You
The ad....
Only you Bill. Only You
It hasnt worked yet.....
Bird sounds
Are you sure its from the front? Could be a u joint going out
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
Just for a little fyi.....I'm a student of law. I do have a right to my opinion, if you dont like it then you can leave
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
Now that i agree with
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
It doesn't matter what kind of car it is if you are street racing then yes your car should atleast be taken away. If you are racing an kill somebody you should get the death penalty. But again what is the difference between crushing and confiscating? Th e shouldnt be allowed to have it back anyway.
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
What difference dose it make weather its crushed or seized? The owner doesn't get it back. At least this way it is serving a purpose
What's the longest trip you've made in your Z?
I drove mine 600 miles
280z #6 cylinder not firing
Not if it doesnt have air it wont burn
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
Well lets say we don't crush them. OK fine, sale them at auction two weeks later to a 16 year old kid who will do the same thing with it. Would you rather be paying taxes for it to sit in the impound? Atleast this way itgets their attention.
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
Your attitude would be different if you or someone you know go hit by one of these dipshits. Street racing is foolish anyone that dose it is a fool and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent
280z #6 cylinder not firing
The extra fuel fowls the plug....
round port on square port
Buy it, sale it on ebay and buy a better one
- Update.
You guys are going to live this!
Is their a place to buy the series like on DVD?
Split sunroofs...???
I have a roof if somebody wants it....
In answer to Rick and Johns questions about my baseball success as of late. Well things are going about normal (well as normal as before anyway ) Not really looking for anything right now but if any of you member has a cute daughter you could spare fly her down and we will see Oh i got my last date on Video....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb3mshCWmgA&mode=related&search=
Hard decision...
Their must be something wrong with it. Like they said 7k for the vette 3k for the Z. Why doesn't he sale it then? Just because you test drove it doesn't mean he didn't make a temporary fix just to unload it.
1957 Plymouth unearthed in Oklahoma
She probably like you Rick, she probably cant get it up anymore :;
Poor Jack
They still sponser race cars, that cant be cheap
blown motor, Thanks everyone.
With these mods turning that many rpms I'm afraid it wont be long before the oil pan fails.....to hold in the pistons:tapemouth
1957 Plymouth unearthed in Oklahoma
It was a fury that was in Christine.