Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
Stretching my wife's patience...
Valentines day is the worst time of year. All its for is making hall mark and harshies rich, making old peaple horny and single peaple depressed. But on the other hand my nightly sales are pretty high then to....
Is it just me or did you think the Steelers were handed the superbowl.
Umm becouse they won?
West Coast Nationals 2003
Is it just me or did you think the Steelers were handed the superbowl.
The Stealers would have won anyway without that one touchdown Wtg Pitsburg. You want to know something funny? Last night at work this kid bets me 5 bucks the sea hawks would win. Im not really a football fan i didnt evan know who was playing. And i won the bet! wahoo!
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
I cant get that to work now...Arggg!
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
sure I will add it
Hello! Jani from Finland
You should be flushed! ROFL
you guys might like this (z toy)
Mate you need help. Nice find tho i bet it could be worth some money
From Atlanta: Glad to be here!!!
Welcome to the club. Keep us informed
Cool Z videos
Thanks for the vids. Will make me busy for awhile
Hello! Jani from Finland
"Ease up Billy boy, there's enough room for everyone.' You should read more carefully. I was never "discriminating" You should open your eyes before you judge
280z Center Caps
Ebay would be your best bet
skyline on ebay!!
72 Automatic
from the trailer
Spook Spoilers-differences
West Coast Nationals 2003
Collingrove 260Z 1
Collingrove 240Z 2